Principal Investigator:Harris, Katherine M. Licensed Year(s):201720162014
201220112010200920082006200520042003 Summary:
The objective of this research project is to collect baseline environmental information for future environmental effects monitoring.
Surveys may include assessments of fish, fish habitat, benthic invertebrates, plankton, water and sediment quality, wetlands and geochemistry. Equipment for surveys will be limited to standard field measuring and surveying equipment, such as automated water qualit...
Principal Investigator:Cote, Jason E Licensed Year(s):
Fieldwork is required to determine the potential effects of a ramping event (sudden shutdown of the power generation facility) on fish and fish habitat within the lower reaches of the La Martre River. This information would be added to the overall fish and fish habitat effects assessment and will identify potential mitigation measures, if required. Specific objectives of the field program includ...
Principal Investigator:LeTourneau, Michele Licensed Year(s):2008
The community-based monitoring camp was created by Diavik to involve Aboriginal Peoples of communities affected by the mine site. People are concerned with effects on fish, water and caribou. Dust from the mine falls out on lichen and water, which are then consumed by caribou and fish. People will gather information about Diavik and environment-related issues and provide input and recommendations ...
Principal Investigator:Hamm, Sharleen Licensed Year(s):
In view of Peregrine Diamonds Ltd.’s move to advance the DO-27 kimberlite pipe of the WO Diamond Project to the pre-feasibility assessment phase, this project is proposed to collect baseline data that would contribute to an Environmental Assessment in subsequent years. Gartner Lee Ltd has been contracted to undertake field sampling, which will consist of examining surface water quality; hydrology;...
Principal Investigator:Ford, Bruce S Licensed Year(s):
This study involves fish sampling to determine relative abundance and levels of mercury and other metals in fish tissue in Giauque Lake, Thistlethwaite Lake and Control Lake A, as well as benthic invertebrate sampling and water quality sampling in the three lakes to complement the fish sampling. 3 sites in Giauque, 3 in Thistlethwaite and one in Control Lake A will be recorded. Captured fish will ...
Principal Investigator:Buckland, Laurie L Licensed Year(s):
The Wha Ti Charter Community proposes to develop a run-of-river hydro facility on the La Martre river. The isolated community would like to replace its current diesel generator with a more sustainable, energy efficient and less costly system. An environm...
Principal Investigator:Armstrong, Allison Licensed Year(s):
The Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board has authorized the discharge of a small amount of water through an experimental water treatment system. This system sprays water into the air and onto the tundra. It is anticipated that the water that is discha...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Peter Licensed Year(s):2004
Dillon Consulting Limited has been retained to complete habitat restoration activities at the historic Salmita Mine site at Matthews Lake. The 2003 phase of this project is to conduct baseline aquatic assessments at the Matthews Lake site to identify pr...
Principal Investigator:Landry, Francois Licensed Year(s):
The field work is intended to provide baseline fisheries data for four lakes (Horseshoe, Toss, Fay and Logan) and to obtain post-baseline fisheries data on eight lakes (Vulture, Kodiak, Nema, Cujo, Nanuq, Counts, and Slipper) within the Ekati claimblock...