Matthews Lake and Area Fish Habitat Restoration Project (MLAFHRP)
Principal Investigator: MacNeill, Scott W (3)
Licence Number: 13713
Organization: Dillon Consulting Limited
Licensed Year(s): 2004 2003
Issued: Aug 26, 2004
Project Team: Monica Dah

Objective(s): Owing to past mining activities, the area of lakeshore on Matthews Lake located near the abandoned Salmita Mine site displays some of the most severely degraded shoreline habitat in the Matthews Lake watershed. Approximately 200 m of contiguous degraded shoreline habitat will be identified during initial field investigations and will be further subdivided into two 100m 'control' and 'treatment' sites. Prior to the rehabilitation of the 'treatment' section of lakeshore, a biological inventory will be conducted for post-construction monitoring initiatives. The Lakeshore Rehabilitation Monitoring Program will document the fish species utilizing the rehabilitated shoreline for migration, spawning, and/or rearing purposes. It is anticipated that the future biological utilization data will provide supporting evidence to document that the physical habitat of the 'treatment' section of lakeshore has been successfully restored to provide more productive littoral and riparian habitat conditions. *** This licence is issued without support from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation. Dillon Consulting and/or the Department of Fisheries and Oceans is strongly encouraged to work with the Yellowknives Dene Land and Environment Committee to resolve outstanding issues. ***