Principal Investigator:Prosyk, Liisa K Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research is to explore the question: Is there any one program that could be considered culturally appropriate to the offender populations within the NWT? In order to administer an offender program that is “culturally appropriate”, there is need to gain better insight into the definition of “culture”.
The study will consist of the 4 following components:
1. Literature...
Principal Investigator:MacNeill, Scott W Licensed Year(s):
2003 Summary:
Approximately 200 m of contiguous degraded shoreline habitat at Matthews Lake will be identified during initial field investigations and will be further subdivided into two 100m 'control' and 'treatment' sites. Prior to the rehabilitation of the 'treatme...
Principal Investigator:McNeice, Julie Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this project is to identify and explain where crime prevention through social development intercepts with restorative justice, in order to provide an integrated, seamless delivery approach. One objective is to suggest a new and renewed co...
Principal Investigator:Blomqvist, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
2000 Summary:
The researcher will reach Ft. Good Hope by air, and will be based in private accomodations. Data will be collected during interviews with participants in the Hume River bush camp, an alternative sentencing option for Aboriginal offenders. Interviews will be taped, to facilitate data collection. Participation in the study is voluntary, and all participants will sign a consent form. The researcher...
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):20001999199819971996
1994199319921990 Summary:
The research is planned to see what happens after the surface of the land was changed by clearing of the trees and trenching of the soil in 1985 and 1986, and the spilling of crude-oil in 1988. Ways to fix or lessen these disturbances are being tested to see to see which are best. Many studies will be done, including measurement of: air and soil temperature, wind speed, moisture, water movement,...
Principal Investigator:Smith, D.W. Licensed Year(s):
To document changes to the vegetation and soil caused by drilling operations and support operations (e.g. air strips and roads). To identify the agent or substance of these changes (e.g. drilling muds and vehicles). To document how the vegetation and soil have recovered....
Principal Investigator:French, Hugh Licensed Year(s):
(1) To undertake geomorphic studies and to study special permafrost formations; (2) inspection of oil well sites to determine rehabilitation and assess long term impacts of these developments....
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):
To evaluate the impacts of the Canol Project (1942-45) upon the topography and plant communities and to determine the natural rehabilitation of disturbed sites....
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):
To evaluate the impacts of the Canol Project (1942-45) upon the topography and the plant communities and to determine the rehabilitation of disturbed sites....
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):
To determine the natural rehabilitation of disturbed sites thrugh collection of plant and soil specimens....