30 record(s) found with the tag "soil" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Impact of Climatic Change on Earth Surface Processes, Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island
Principal Investigator: Lewkowicz, Antoni G
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988 1987
Summary: The aim of this ongoing research is to establish links between climate and the movements of soil. By collecting this type of data, it may be possible to determine the effect that climate changes may have on the movements of soil down slopes, into rivers and eventually into the sea. The project has been underway for several years because soil movements are mostly slow and therefore difficult to mea...

Investigation of ground ice development in sediments of the Mackenzie Delta area
Principal Investigator: Burn, Chris R
Licensed Year(s): 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991
Summary: The researcher will continue to collect samples of ground ice and measure temperatures in lakes and ponds. This information is used to help understand how the ground heaves as it freezes in winter, and to determine the extent of soil settlement during thaw in summer. The information about lakes is used to help understand the relations between water depths and temperatures beneath the lake....

Late Wisconsin (Late Foxe) Glacial Extent in Pangnirtung Fiord - Cumberland Sound Area, Baffin Island, Canada
Principal Investigator: Davis, P. Thompson
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991 1990
Summary: The Researchers will continue to map and survey glacial abrasion limits, collect, describe and analyze soil samples from the Pangnirtung Pass and Pangnirtung Fiord areas to determine the direction and vertical extent of ice flow....

Quaternary Glacial History and Surficial Materials of Northwestern Baffin Island
Principal Investigator: Hooper, James Matthew
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: The Researcher will map the surficial geology and glacial landforms of the area using air photographs and field evidence. They will also verify interpretations made from air photos by checking mapped units on the ground and by collecting soil samples for laboratory analysis....

Surficial Geology, Southern Melville Peninsula
Principal Investigator: Dredge, Lynda
Licensed Year(s): 1991
Summary: The Researchers will be undertaking systematic reconnaissance mapping as part of the national program for the Geological Survey of Canada. They will collect soil and rock samples for analysis in Ottawa....

Paleosol Evolution, Correlation, and Associated Mineralization, Thelon and Hornby Bay Basins, NWT
Principal Investigator: Gall, Quentin
Licensed Year(s): 1991 1990
Summary: The Researcher will collect samples of the sub-Thelon paleosol (ancient weathering horizon in the rocks). These samples will be taken back to Carleton University, Ottawa to be chemically analysed and systematically classified....

Paleoenvironment of the Truelove Lowland Area, Devon Island, N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: King, Roger H.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1992 1991 1990 1988
Summary: The Researcher and his team will study the age, chemistry and fossil organisms preserved in the lake sediments of the Truelove Lowland and similar coastal lowlands. The information will be used to reconstruct the environmental changes that have taken place in these Polar Oases during the last 40,000 years....

Principal Investigator: Hankinson, Flt. LT. K.W.
Licensed Year(s): 1991 1988
Summary: Multi-disciplinary research will be undertaken in botany, geology, micro meteorology, soil science, remote sensing, breeding biology of Arctic char and archaeological survey. These studies are a continuation of those begun in 1988....

Bluenose Lake Natural Resources Survey
Principal Investigator: Scotter, George
Licensed Year(s): 1990
Summary: The Researcher and team will carry out this survey at the request of the community of Paulatuk. They will summarize the existing knowledge of the natural resources of the Bluenose Lake Region. A total of about 20 stops will be made to examine the vegetation, soil, wildlife and physiogeography and to collect plant and soil samples....

Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology, Southern Melville Peninsula, NWT
Principal Investigator: Dredge, Linda
Licensed Year(s): 1990
Summary: The Researcher and her assistant will map the terrain and take soil and rock samples for laboratory studies....