The Study of Environmental Change, Truelove Lowland, Devon Island, N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: King, Roger H. (6)
Licence Number: 12640
Organization: University of Western Ontario
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1992 1991 1990 1988
Issued: Jan 01, 1994
Project Team: A.Lev, J. Luce, L. Morash, M. LaFreniere

Objective(s): To conduct an analysis of the paleoenviromnetal record preserved in the surficial sediments of Truelove Lowland through obtaining sediment samples, monitoring soil conditions and collecting soil samples.

Project Description: This is a continuation of a long-term study of the record of past environmental changes preserved in the sediments of the Truelove Lowland. Sediment traps that were placed in Immerk & Loon Lake will be removed & analyzed. Also the temperature & moisture conditions of soil surrounding Fish Lake will be monitored and samples will be collected.