134 record(s) found with the tag "sedimentology" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Terminal Proterozoic events in northwestern Canada
Principal Investigator: MacNaughton, Robert B.
Licensed Year(s): 1998 1997
Summary: Members of a field party will be transported to base camp by helicopter. Base-camp moves will also be done by helicopter. All ground work will be done on foot. Data collection involves photography of rock outcrops, measurement of stratigraphic sections using a Jacob's staff (measuring pole), and the following of key stratigraphic surfaces. Collection of rock samples is either from free-lying fl...

Sediment Sampling on the Slave River Delta, NWT
Principal Investigator: English, Michael C
Licensed Year(s): 2000 1996 1995
Summary: We will arrive at Fort Resolution on or about mid June and re-establish our base camp on Steamboat channel. For each day we are on the delta will be taking samples of sediment from the marshes of the outer delta area with a coring device. At the base camp we will take the core of sediment and section it into 2cm thick sections which will be air dried and shipped south for analysis....

Stratigraphy and sedimentology of Permian and Triassic strata, northern Yukon and adjacent NWT
Principal Investigator: Dixon, James
Licensed Year(s): 1996 1994 1993 1992 1991
Summary: Specific sites will be visited using daily helicopter flights based out of Inuvik. Site visits will last from 15 minutes to several hours and at each site the rocks will be identified and described, the vertical arrangements of rocks will be measured and noted, and samples (about fist-sized) will be taken where deemed necessary. Samples will be taken to Calgary where they will be used either to ...

Igneous and Metamorphic Evolution of the Deep Crust of the MacNaughton Lake Area, Slave Providence, NWT.
Principal Investigator: Perks, Matthew
Licensed Year(s): 1996 1995
Summary: The researchers will achieve detailed mapping of granite- metasediment contacts by relying on detailed documentation of mineral asseblages, textures, metamorphic grade, and relative timing of the meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks in the MacNaughton Lake area. Isotope U-Pb studies of granite and metasediment minerals will be used to constrain the absolute timing of intrusion and metamorphism....

Joint services expedition to the Blue Mountains, Ellesmere Island
Principal Investigator: Smith, Roger F.
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: The researchers will conduct a variety of research activities at the study site. Projects include surveys of insects and plants, monitoring glacier movements, collecting data about the area's rocks and soils, assessing changes in the area's climate and environment (using fossils of microscopic marine organisms, chironomids, as indicators), and investigating radio-wave propagation....

Overbank sediment patterns on the Mackenzie Delta
Principal Investigator: Pearce, Cheryl M.
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992 1991 1990
Summary: The researcher will continue her long-term study on the physical features of the Mackenzie Delta. Hydrocarbon development, water volume and course changes, and climate change could have major effects on the water and sedimentation patterns of the delta. This study will increase knowledge of sedimentation patterns, shoreline erosion and their relationships with vegetation....

Sedimentology, diagenesis and economic potential of Devonian sediments in the Franklinian Miogeosyncline on Bathurst Island
Principal Investigator: Brand, Uwe
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: The research will involve a detailed assessment of the make- up of Devonian rocks found on Bathurst, Helena, Cameron and Byam Martin Islands over a three-year period. The potential for oil, gas and/or mineral deposits in the Devonian strata will be assessed, but the major emphasis of the research will be on investigating the strata's geochemical, paleontological and sedimentological characteristi...

Clastic-carbonate transitions in Lower Cambrian strata of Ellesmere Island, Arctic Archipelago
Principal Investigator: Long, Darrel G.F.
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: The 1993 field work represents a continuation of field work carried out in northern Ellesmere Island in 1985 and Devon Island in 1992. The research involves the examination of the Lower Cambrian strata located on Ellesmere Island....

Paleoclimatic Significance of Laminated Lake Sediments from the Canadian High Arctic
Principal Investigator: Retelle, Michael J.
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991 1990
Summary: The researchers will attempt to reconstruct climate and past environmental conditions through recovery and study of sediment cores from lakes at Taconite Inlet, northern Ellesmere Island. They will also monitor conditions under which the lake sediments are presently accumulating....

Impact of Climatic Change on Earth Surface Processes, Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island
Principal Investigator: Lewkowicz, Antoni G
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988 1987
Summary: The overall aim of this research is to establish links between climate and the activity of geomorphic processes so that predictions can be made about the possible impact of any climate change. This project will help to understand how the climate affects the processes that move soil down slopes into rivers and eventually to the sea....