Principal Investigator:Digel, Mark Licensed Year(s):1998
Fisheries investigations, including habitat identification and possibly gill netting, will be conducted in the four small lakes located within the watershed of the orebody of the Thor Lake site. In lakes with fish, will collect 10 fish (up to two species) for chemical analysis. Fisheries investigations, including habitat mapping, gill netting (to verify fish community), will be undertaken in the...
Principal Investigator:French, Hugh Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will be studying the cryostructures which occur in perennially frozen, unconsolidated ice rich sediments. This builds upon earlier work in the Sachs Harbour and Sachs River Lowlands undertaken in the period 1970-1985. Will use boat transportation across the Sachs Harbour Bay and possibly towards Cape Kellett. The 1997 work will be a reconnaissance visit. This work will be continue...
Principal Investigator:Bryant, Wayne Licensed Year(s):1996
The researchers will be involved in a mult-disciplined, integrated and focused series of investigation regarding water quality, hydrology and climatology, fisheries, aquatic, wildlife, vegetation, soils and terrain, and heritage resources. Taken with complementary socio-economic, traditional knowledge and environmental management investigations, this data will be used to prepare an environmental ...
Principal Investigator:Wein, Ross Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will sample 200-300 forest stands in Wood Buffalo National Park and surrounding areas as well as in the Fort Simpson area. A number of measurements will be taken in each site as well as soil cores and sections of decomposing logs and snages. These will be taken to the U. of A. for analysis. In addition, sediment cores will be taken in lake sediment and/or peatlands for stratigra...
Principal Investigator:KERR, DAN Licensed Year(s):
Conduct mapping of surficial deposits based on airphoto interpretation and fieldwork. Dig small holes to obtain soil samples. Samples will be analyzed to determine their chemical composition....
Principal Investigator:Henry, Greg H R Licensed Year(s):
19931992 Summary:
Researchers have established field experiments in 5 plant communities to simulate climate change scenarios (i) no change; (ii) warmer, longer seasons with earlier snow melt; (iii) warmer growing seasons with later snow melt. The temperatures are increased in small open-topped greenhouses and the date of snow melt is changed by adding or removing snow. Tagged plants of the major vascular plant spec...
Principal Investigator:Lewkowicz, Antoni G Licensed Year(s):
199319921991199019881987 Summary:
The aim of this ongoing research is to establish links between climate and the movements of soil. By collecting this type of data, it may be possible to determine the effect that climate changes may have on the movements of soil down slopes, into rivers and eventually into the sea. The project has been underway for several years because soil movements are mostly slow and therefore difficult to mea...
Principal Investigator:Bliss, Lawrence Licensed Year(s):
We seek to better understand how ecosystems develop in the high arctic following retreat of ice caps. This includes studies of soil development and the influence that rocks play in this as well as studying the development of block crusts of organisms that form on the soil surface. We will also try to understand the role these crusts play in fixing nitrogen and influencing the development of flower...
Principal Investigator:King, Roger H. Licensed Year(s):
1992199119901988 Summary:
This is a continuation of a long-term study of the record of past environmental changes preserved in the sediments of the Truelove Lowland. Sediment traps that were placed in Immerk & Loon Lake will be removed & analyzed. Also the temperature & moisture conditions of soil surrounding Fish Lake will be monitored and samples will be collected....
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):20052004200320022001200019991998199719961995
199319921990 Summary:
As part of a long-term study, this research will examine the important role that snow plays in northern ecosystems. Snow accounts for a large portion of yearly precipitation: when it melts, snow is a significant source of freshwater for refilling lakes and ponds, and for plant growth. This study will examine the role that snow plays in controlling streamflow and movement of solutes, nutrients an...