Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5842.
The objectives of this project are to: (1) develop improved understanding of, and ability to predict, the complex northern hydrologic system, (2) consider the integrated effect of the changing climate on vegetation, snow, permafrost, streamflow, and lakes, and (4) develop improved water models needed to predict futur...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):202320222021202020192018201720162015
20132012201120102009200820072006 Summary:
The objectives of this project are: (1) to develop improved understanding of, and ability to predict, snowcover formation and melt, as well as stream discharge in northern regions; (2) measure fluxes of water, energy and carbon at two sites, one having tundra as the primary landcover, the other forested; (3) consider the integrated effect of climate on vegetation, snow, permafrost and streamflow; ...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):200520042003200220012000
19981997199619951994199319921990 Summary:
The Trail Valley Creek site will be accessed by Twin Otter, helicopter and snowmobile, while the Havikpak Creek site will be accessed by foot and snowmobile. We plan to have a small field crew at each site to measure the amount of snow on the ground in the middle of April, and to again return to measure snow melt and the streamflow in mid to late May. Actual timing of the spring melt trip will dep...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):
19921991 Summary:
This long-term, ongoing study is aimed at understanding the factors controlling water levels and the availability of nutrients in a variety of lakes in the Mackenzie Delta. This work will allow us to better understand the natural Mackenzie Delta ecosystem, and to make better predictions of the effect of environmental change on the Delta. Cores of sediment will be collected from lake bottoms to d...