Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region
Tags: physical sciences, active layer, vegetation, climate change, hydrology, permafrost degradation, prediction models, water quantity, snow accumulation, snow water equivalence, snowmelt, nutrient levels, energy fluxes, runoff process, thermal regime, groundwater discharge, suspended sediment, water budget
Principal Investigator: | Marsh, Philip (37) |
Licence Number: | 12956 |
Organization: | National Hydrology Research Institute |
Licensed Year(s): |
Issued: | Apr 07, 1998 |
Project Team: | Dr. J. Pomeroy, Mr. C. Onclin, Mr. M. Russell, Dr. B. Quinton, Ms. N. Neumann, Dr. W. Rouse |
Objective(s): This study is an exploratory qualitative investigation of reasons for negative attitudes toward mathematics by College adults. Screening and selection of subjects will be by two-phase written questionnaires. Assessment of math ability and degree of learned helplessness (self-handicapping) will be by professional/commerical test. Six subjects will be interviewed in depth and the transcripts analyzed in a search for causal factors. Depending on the findings, a remedial program will be suggested and made available.
Project Description: The Trail Valley Creek site will be accessed by Twin Otter, helicopter and snowmobile, while the Havikpak Creek site will be accessed by foot and snowmobile. We plan to have a small field crew at each site to measure the amount of snow on the ground in the middle of April, and to again return to measure snowmelt and the streamflow in mid to late May. Actual timing of the spring melt trip will depend on weather conditions. In addition, we would plan a short trip in September to conduct instrument maintenance. Instrumentation at each site includes a variety of weather instruments and instruments for measuring soil temperature and moisture. We will also supplement the Water Survey of Canada instruments for estimating streamflow. This will include a dye dilution system, where a standard water tracing dye is injected into the rivers at extremely low concentrations (less than 10 parts per billion). Once in the stream, the dye will be invisible, and will be at a concentration which is approved for drinking water.