Principal Investigator:Forbes, Donald L Licensed Year(s):2006
2004200320022001 Summary:
The primary objectives of the project are to; 1) monitor coastal stability and the processes which affect it (winds, waves, sea ice, etc); 2) map coastal features, sediment properties, and ice conditions in the nearshore regions of the Mackenzie Delta an...
Principal Investigator:Uren, Shane Licensed Year(s):
The Expansion Project proposes to supply power to the Snap Lake, Gahcho Kue, Diavik and EKATI mine sites by expanding the existing infrastructure at the facilities on the Taltson River at Twin Gorges and at Nonacho Lake. Studies characterizing baseline e...
Principal Investigator:English, Mike Licensed Year(s):2003
20012000 Summary:
The objectives of the research are to examine how increasing active layer depth, surficial geology, vegetation, slope and aspect impact changes in shallow groundwater and surface stream chemistry in two subbasins of the Daring Lake basin in the headwater...
Principal Investigator:Burn, Chris R Licensed Year(s):199719961995
199319921991 Summary:
The researcher will continue to collect samples of ground ice and measure temperatures in lakes and ponds. This information is used to help understand how the ground heaves as it freezes in winter, and to determine the extent of soil settlement during thaw in summer. The information about lakes is used to help understand the relations between water depths and temperatures beneath the lake....
Principal Investigator:Brooks, Greg Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The research will provide basic information on the characteristics of the rivers and valleys that are major tributaries emptying into the Mackenzie River. The tributaries to be studied include the Carcajou, Mountain, Hume, Ramparts, Hare Indian, Ontaratue, Arctic Red and Peel Rivers. Little is known about the lower 5-7 km portion of these rivers. The information collected will include both aeri...
Principal Investigator:Howarth, Phil Licensed Year(s):
The three professors from the University of Waterloo will lecture the students on the subjects of ecology, geology and climate and conduct field trips in the vicinity of Igloolik and Iqaluit. The students will select topics to study while in Igloolik: their studies will be assessed and assigned a grade....
Principal Investigator:Hicock, Stephen R. Licensed Year(s):
The research will involve the study of the interplay (past and present) between glaciers, permafrost, meltwater and seawater on the southwestern side of the Bylot Island ice cap....
Principal Investigator:Gulley, Angela L. Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
The Researcher will continue a project begun in 1991 which included mapping the local geology adjacent to the hotsprings, conducting a geochemical analysis of the springwaters, monitoring the physical properties, calculating natural discharge rates and conducting a pumping test and monitoring of depositional rates of tufa accumulations....
Principal Investigator:Hiscott, Richard Licensed Year(s):
The Researchers will: map the geometry of debris-flow (mudflow) deposits; document bottom slopes and flow paths; relate debris-flow activity to Pleistocene history of the area and sea-bed cores and use this data to quantify the subaqueous (below water) debris-flow process....
Principal Investigator:Fyles, John G. Licensed Year(s):1992
1990 Summary:
On Melville and Bathurst Islands, the Researchers will locate and describe the occurrence of high-level gravels and sands, record evidence of the flow-direction of the rivers in which they originated and search for plant and insect fossils that may provide clues about the age of these deposits and about the climate and environment at that time....