39 record(s) found with the tag "historical data" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Derivation and Analysis of Climatic Information from Tree Rings
Principal Investigator: Jacoby, Gordon C.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1989
Summary: The researcher will take 5 mm diameter increment core samples from old-aged trees growing near the tree line. This sampling is not harmful to the trees. At two sites the researcher will sample about 10 trees. The samples are processed to produce ring-width and wood- density data for each annual ring. This data will then be statistically compared to meteorological data to make estimates of past cl...

Late Quaternary Glacial and Climate History on Southern Baffin Island
Principal Investigator: Miller, Gifford H.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993 1991 1990 1989 1987
Summary: The researchers will obtain sediments from lakes near Cape Dyer to document past climatic conditions. Vegetation and lake water chemistry data will also be collected in order to collect information about the current environment: this data can be compared to historic data. Finally, the inner Frobisher Bay area will be surveyed for data about past sea levels and glacial landforms. This research w...

Study of bio-indicators of environmental change in arctic lakes
Principal Investigator: Smol, John P
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993 1992
Summary: The researchers plan to take samples of lake water and lake sediments from a variety of sites in the region. From these samples, information will be collected about the water chemistry, microscopic organisms present in the lakes, and changes in the region's past environmental and climatic conditions....

Overbank sediment patterns on the Mackenzie Delta
Principal Investigator: Pearce, Cheryl M.
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992 1991 1990
Summary: The researcher will continue her long-term study on the physical features of the Mackenzie Delta. Hydrocarbon development, water volume and course changes, and climate change could have major effects on the water and sedimentation patterns of the delta. This study will increase knowledge of sedimentation patterns, shoreline erosion and their relationships with vegetation....

Transition era history of Apex-Iqaluit, NWT: 1942 to 1963
Principal Investigator: Longworth, Bob
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: During the period between 1942 and 1963, Inuit in the southern portion of Baffin Island when through a major transition from living off the land in the traditional way to living in permanent settlements. The researchers will collect information about this period of development in the history of Apex and Iqaluit by gathering information from printed materials as well as interviews with long-term r...

Glacier air pollution study
Principal Investigator: Barrie, Len A.
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: This study is measuring the amount of contaminants that are present in the air over the Agassiz Glacier on Ellesmere Island. Two automatic samplers will be installed on this glacier to record contaminant levels. This research will aid other research that is being done on the Agassiz Glacier which is collecting data about contaminants that were present in the past and are now locked into the ice....

Thematic Annotation of the 1821-1823 Journals of W.E. Parry and Related Texts
Principal Investigator: MacDonald, John
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1991
Summary: The expedition journals kept by W.E. Parry during his visits to the Northern Foxe Basin during 1821-1823 will be organized, excerpted and annotated under approximately 100 thematic headings and sub-headings. These journals provide the earliest written records of the area. The project will emphasize Inuit ethnology but will include geography, toponymy, biology, climatology and geology....

Conjugal Violence and the Inuit of Baffin Island, N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: Orozco, Maria Eugenia
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991 1991
Summary: In liaison with the Baffin Regional Agvvik Society, the researcher will investigate the context of violence and the meanings and interpretations that women and men attach to these events. Additional research as to the historical rate of incidence of this phenomenon will also be examined....

Licence #2318
Principal Investigator: McCormack, P.A.
Licensed Year(s): 1978
Summary: To study archival records held in Fort Smith related to the Bishop Piche school in Fort Chipewyan....