Principal Investigator:England, John H Licensed Year(s):2012201020092008200720062005
20032002 Summary:
This research is concerned with the nature and style of past glaciations as well as the history of sea level and climatic changes in the western Arctic. The broad objective is to obtain a long term paleoclimatic record (before the arrival of the Pre-Dors...
Principal Investigator:Hayes, Sharon Licensed Year(s):
Boundary expansion processes for Nahanni National Park Reserve have identified the North Karst as an area of considerable interest. This area is significant for its elaborate assemblages of landforms, its individual landforms and its inhibition of the l...
Principal Investigator:Armitage, Derek Licensed Year(s):2005
The Slave River Delta is one of a series of important delta ecosystems in the Mackenzie Basin. The adjacent community of Fort Resolution depends on its high biological productivity and diversity for both food and resources. Recent and predicted changes i...
Principal Investigator:Fortier, Louis Licensed Year(s):
20032002 Summary:
The Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES), a major international effort under Canadian leadership, aims to understand the biogeochemical and ecological consequences of sea ice variability on the Mackenzie Shelf (Beaufort Sea) and provide the infor...
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):2018201720162015201420122010200920082007200620052004
The main study objectives are to: 1) determine the status of permafrost landforms in the study area between Macmillan Pass and Plains of Abraham; and 2) determine the long-term recovery after abandonment of the CANOL No. 1 project. This is part of long-...
Principal Investigator:Ruttan, Lia Licensed Year(s):
2002 Summary:
The objective of this study is to understand the process whereby Aboriginal elders in the community of Fort Smith have engaged in exploring and responding to historical events over the past century. These accounts have not yet been collected or analyzed...
Principal Investigator:Fabijan, Michael F Licensed Year(s):
A team consisting of two ice specialists, one locally hired wildlife monitor and one locally hired field technician will be flown by helicopter from Inuvik to perform on-ice field work at Devon's western and eastern offshore drilling locations. No low-l...
Principal Investigator:Turner, William Licensed Year(s):
2001 Summary:
A two-year collaborative study (2001-2002) between the Geological Survey of Canada - Calgary and CS Lord Northern Geoscience Centre in the southern NWT is commencing its second year. The purpose of the project is to develop a stronger understanding of an...
Principal Investigator:Beierle, Brandon Licensed Year(s):
The research team will obtain sediment cores from a series of lakes near Reindeer Station and Inuvik for the purpose of reconstructing the hydrological, climatological and geomorphic history of the lower Mackenzie River basin. The research will require fieldwork between 15 April and 25 April. Research will involve the development of a high-resolution paleoenvironmental record based on lake sedime...
Principal Investigator:Gajewski, Konrad Licensed Year(s):20082004
19941993199219911990 Summary:
The research team will be transported to the base camp site by PCSP Twin Otter, where a small camp will be set up. The camp will consist of one sleeping tent per team member and one cooking tent. All non-burnable garbage will be packed out, and human waste buried at the camp sites. The research team plans to access 6-8 lakes within walking distance of the base camp. Lake sediment cores will be col...