76 record(s) found with the tag "fisheries assessment" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Great Bear River Environmental and Traditional Knowledge Baseline Program
Principal Investigator: Lennie-Misgeld, Peter
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010
Summary: The main objective of the program is to collect fisheries and environmental baseline information to better understand the environmental characteristics of the Great Bear River and to support potential future development of hydropower on the Great Bear River. The program is not being conducted to support a specific project as there are no hydropower projects planned for the Great Bear River at thi...

Bosworth Creek Aquatics and Fisheries Monitoring Program
Principal Investigator: Blaschuk, Katherine
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010 2009
Summary: WorleyParsons, on behalf of Imperial Oil, began a benthic invertebrate and fisheries assessment program for the portions of Bosworth Creek adjacent to the Imperial Oil operations in Norman Wells, NWT. The objective of the project is to characterize biophysical conditions in Bosworth Creek in the area surrounding the lower Bosworth Creek Bridge; both upstream and downstream from the location of a f...

2008-2010 Baseline Studies for Avalon Ventures Ltd. Proposed Thor Lake Rare Earth Metals Project-Fisheries Component
Principal Investigator: Lawson, Nick
Licensed Year(s): 2010 2009 2008
Summary: The fisheries portion of this baseline program has three primary objectives: to identify the fish species composition in a subset of the lakes and streams near the Thor Lake project area, to identify existing fish habitat in those lakes and streams, and to measure the current levels of mercury, rare earth elements and other trace elements in fish tissues. A secondary objective of the program is to...

Cisco diversity in Great Slave Lake
Principal Investigator: Drygeese, Jennifer
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Summary: The objectives of the research are to: 1) Confirm the taxonomy of the Cisco of Great Slave Lake; 2) Characterize age structure and growth of individuals; 3) Determine prey abundance in capture locations; 4) Consult with, and educate local aboriginal and non-aboriginal communities by having them assist in data collection and presenting to communities the results of research. The benefits ...

Spatial and long-term trends in persistent organic contaminants and metals in fish from the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Evans, Marlene S.
Licensed Year(s): 2023 2022 2017 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Summary: This study is designed to find out whether contaminant levels are changing in fish in the Northwest Territories. We hope to collect lake trout from Great Slave Lake (Lutsel K'e and Hay River), Cli Lake, Great Bear Lake, and Colville Lake, burbot from Great Slave Lake (Fort Resolution and Lutsel K'e), northern pike from Great Slave Lake (Fort Resolution), and cisco from Great Bear Lake. Communit...

Lutsel K'e Mini Hydro Project
Principal Investigator: Cote, Jason E
Licensed Year(s): 2010 2009
Summary: The objectives of this project are to: - Conduct a fish and fish habitat assessment upstream and downstream of the proposed Project Site (2nd rapids on Snowdrift River). This would involve vegetation assessment, depth and velocity transects and fish sampling. - Conduct fish and fish habitat assessments in the Snowdrift River tributaries at the proposed road crossings between Lutsel K’e communi...

Fisheries Co-management and Adaptation in a Changing Arctic: A case study of Dolly Varden char subsistence fisheries co-management in Aklavik and Inuvik
Principal Investigator: Patton, Eva
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Summary: The objectives of this research are to: 1) Describe communication and knowledge sharing linkages among the network of local, regional, and government organizations involved in Dolly Varden char subsistence fisheries management processes. 2) Analyze the role of bridging organizations (Fisheries Joint Management Committee and Gwich’in Renewable Resource Board) in the fisheries co-management proces...

Assessment of Fisheries Potential of the Tuktoyaktuk to Source 177 All-Weather Road Impact Area
Principal Investigator: Krizan, Julia
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Summary: The objectives of this project are to characterize the habitats and shorelines of the streams that would be crossed by the Tuktoyaktuk to Source 177 all-weather road. The impact area will be recorded and referenced with Global Positioning System (GPS) locations. The information will be transferred to a Geographic Information System (GIS) to complete a habitat map for the area. The Hamlet of T...

Dezé Energy Corporation Ltd. Taltson Expansion Project
Principal Investigator: Azzolini, Louie
Licensed Year(s): 2009 2008
Summary: The objective of the first portion of the research is to identify, measure, and characterize lake trout and northern pike spawning habitat in Nonacho Lake and to confirm the presence of lake trout and northern pike juveniles and adults in potential spawning areas. Bathymetric surveys will be conducted at these sites in order to determine the areal extent of habitat loss, and the quality of habit...

2008 Field Monitoring – Matthews Lake and Area Fish Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Project
Principal Investigator: Scott, Janet L
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This licence was issued for the application no. 802. The objective of the 2008 fieldwork is to monitor vegetation, invertebrates, and fish populations associated with lakeshore and stream habitat restoration and enhancement. Data will be used to evaluate the continuing success and effectiveness of restored or enhanced stream and lakeshore habitats against control sites, through time. Field ...