Spatial and long-term trends in persistent organic contaminants and metals in lake trout and burbot from the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Evans, Marlene S. (54)
Licence Number: 14365
Organization: Environment Canada
Licensed Year(s): 2023 2022 2017 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Issued: Jun 27, 2008
Project Team: Jonathan Keating, Derek Muir, Sonya Almond, Tom Unka, Dolphus Jumbo, Shawn Buckley, George Low, Rob Smith

Objective(s): This research will examine changing contaminant levels in lake trout and burbot in the Great Slave Lake, Trout Lake and Stark Lake.

Project Description: This research will examine changing contaminant levels in lake trout and burbot in the Great Slave Lake, Trout Lake and Stark Lake. Lake trout will be collected from Great Slave Lake (Lutsel K'e and Hay River), Trout Lake and Stark Lake, and burbot from Great Slave Lake (Fort Resolution). These fish will be captured using gill nets or by angling. Length, age, weight, lipid (fat) content, and sex will be determined for each fish along with stable isotope measures of feeding. These data are proving to be very valuable in investigating why contaminant levels are or are not changing in fish over time. Additionally, records of liver weight, gonad weight, and any abnormalities, e.g., liver colour, parasites, skinny fish, etc. will be taken. Community members (chosen by the local RRC) will be hired to collect fish for this study. As well, communities will be kept informed of the progress of the study through discussions of the study and presentations of results from previous years. Fieldwork will be conducted from July 01 to December 31, 2008 at Great Slave Lake (East Arm near Lutsel K’e, West Basin near Fort Resolution and West Basin near Hay River); Stark Lake (near Lutsel K'e), and Trout Lake (near the community of Trout Lake).