76 record(s) found with the tag "fisheries assessment" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Selwyn Project Fisheries Baseline Study
Principal Investigator: Essar, Natasha
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: The objective of this study is to determine fish presence, distribution and abundance in water bodies in the Project area. The age/size frequency distribution, wintering habitat and spawning habitat will be examined, and the metal burdens determined, along with fish presence and distribution along road and bridge crossings. The study will use a combination of methods including minnow traps, fyk...

Molecular and otolith tools to investigate population of origin of Arctic cisco
Principal Investigator: Nielsen, Jennifer L.
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007
Summary: This study aims to: 1) use genetics and otolith (ear bone) microchemistry to determine if differences exist between collections of Arctic cisco (herring) made from tributaries of the Mackenzie River (Canada) and the Colville River (Alaska) and 2) use differences to identify population-of-origin of fish caught in the Colville River subsistence fishery. Approximately 60 Arctic cisco will be colle...

MacTung Project - 2007 Environmental Baseline Studies
Principal Investigator: Hoos, Rick
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006
Summary: Objectives of the aquatics studies are to determine fish presence/absence, characterize habitat and add to data collected in a similar programme in 2006. The objective of the water-quality sampling is to continue collection of data in streams and tributaries which flow through the project area. Hydrometric monitoring will enhance the flow history of streams down-gradient of the site. The objective...

Assessment of lake trout stocks in Great Bear Lake
Principal Investigator: Howland, Kimberly
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006 2005
Summary: The objectives of this study are to: 1) gather baseline data on size and age structure, fecundity (egg number per female), growth and mortality of Dease, Smith, McVicar, McTavish, Keith arm lake trout. A different arm will be sampled each year over a 5 year time period. 2) To determine if lake trout are genetically distinct between basins. 3) To determine the extent of movements (if any) by lake t...

Travaillant Lake Fish Population Assessment 2007
Principal Investigator: Millar, Nathan P
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006
Summary: The objective of this project is to assess the fish population of Travaillant Lake. Once in the summer and again during the fall, field crews will use experimental gill nets with varying mesh sizes to capture a representative sample of species and sizes within species in Travaillant Lake and at two locations in the Travaillant River. The lake sampling site will be located on the southwest shor...

Gahcho Kue Project - Fisheries Baseline Studies
Principal Investigator: Bradley, Kourtney
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2004 2001 2000
Summary: The overall objective of this project is to collect additional fisheries information from Kennady Lake, the surrounding watershed and from “Control Lake” in the adjacent watershed for use in the environmental assessment of the De Beers Canada Inc. proposed Gahcho Kué Project. The studies that have been planned for 2007 include sampling for peamouth to determine whether it is present in the area...

Baker Creek Fish Monitoring Plan
Principal Investigator: Mitchell, Bill
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: The objectives of this study are to: - Determine the number of adult Arctic grayling, suckers, and northern pike spawning in Baker Creek; - Describe spawning habitat throughout Baker Creek; - Provide evidence of successful spawning by observing and capturing recently emerged YOY (young-of-year); - Observe and describe habitat use by YOY while in Baker Creek prior to outbound migration; - Dete...

Aquatic and Fisheries Assessments for a Minimum Flow Threshold for Trudel Creek
Principal Investigator: Uren, Shane
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006
Summary: The objective of the proposed work is to collect information on the fish community and fish habitat present in Trudel Creek, and identify the possible positive and negative impacts of reducing flow into the creek if the Taltson Hydro Project is expanded. The field survey of the fish habitat and community of Trudel Creek and a section of the Taltson River will take place in spring, with the poss...

Bosworth Creek Monitoing Project
Principal Investigator: Guthrie, Glen H
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Summary: The Bosworth Creek Project was initiated when the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board received a request for information on fish stocks in the creek by a local resident. It became apparent early on in the project that reliable baseline data on this creek's aquatic community was incomplete. Recent restoration efforts have presented a unique opportunity for training local youth in scientific sampling te...

Community Monitoring of the Fish Hole (Big Fish River) near Aklavik, NWT: 2006
Principal Investigator: Hoyt, Andrea J.
Licensed Year(s): 2006 2005
Summary: In the fall of 2004, the West Side Working Group decided to develop a program to monitor the Big Fish River, involving students from the high school, Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC) members, and elders. This project will include a week-long field trip each year to the Big Fish River, as well as classroom learning, and reporting back to community members. The project will monitor changes in ...