Bosworth Creek Monitoing Project
Principal Investigator: Guthrie, Glen H (9)
Licence Number: 14113
Organization: Sahtu Renewable Resources Board
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Issued: Feb 16, 2007
Project Team: Glen Guthrie (Supervisor, SRRB), Yvonne Meulenbroek (Team Leader -Fishes, Mackenzie Mt School), Mark Meulenbroek (Soil and water chemistry and mapping, Mackenzie Mt School), Nigel Gregory (Physical Geography and Meteorology, Mackenzie Mt School), Nate Gregory (Benthic and Terrestrial Invertebrates, Mackenzie Mt School)

Objective(s): This project aims to provide local high high-school students with hands-on science learning opportunities. Students will gain experience in: 1) creating a species inventory; 2) identifying relationships between various species and tracking changes in populations that may occur over time; 3) testing biological samples for heavy metal contaminants, 4) determining and tracking water chemistry and quality; 5) identifying actual and potential fish breeding and rearing habitats; and 6) mapping stream bed morphology and recording any changes that may have occur over time.

Project Description: The Bosworth Creek Project was initiated when the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board received a request for information on fish stocks in the creek by a local resident. It became apparent early on in the project that reliable baseline data on this creek's aquatic community was incomplete. Recent restoration efforts have presented a unique opportunity for training local youth in scientific sampling techniques and recording methods, in tracking biological interactions and morphological changes that will likely occur over time, and in presenting data and conclusions through written reports and public presentations. The monitoring project will continue to provide extensive professional development for the project team by academic and industry professionals. For 2007, acquiring baseline biological data will continue with the collection and assessment of chemical components of the creek system. All sampling will be done in accordance with instructions from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and will comply with all accepted scientific collection and reporting standards. Summary reports will be provided to all funding partners at the end of the fiscal year. Ongoing progress reports will be presented at the Mackenzie Mountain School, and the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board annual board meeting. Updates on the project will also be provided through the Sahtu Renewable Resouces Board newsletter and website. The study will take place from February 16 to December 31, 2007 at Bosworth Creek.