76 record(s) found with the tag "fisheries assessment" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Environmental Assessment for Exploratory Drilling Project
Principal Investigator: Melton, Derek
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: The objective of this study is to determine the presence or absence of fish habitat and wildlife in the vicinity of the proposed project. A literature search for registered archaeological sites within the proposed project area has been initiated. A helicopter will be used to access the four well sites and the proposed access routes. The development area will be surveyed by foot. All wildlife obser...

Highway #3 Reconstruction, Preferred Alignment Fisheries Habitat Assessments
Principal Investigator: Thomas, Craig J
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: This study is to identify existing habitat characteristics of the potential and existing stream and pond crossings of the Highway #3 reconstruction project. Field studies will involve the identification of fish habitat characteristics, the potential identification of present fish species in those systems that suggest fish habitat is present by using seine netting techniques. Background data search...

Gazelle Lake and Point Lake Preliminary Baseline Study
Principal Investigator: Bryant, Wayne
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: The Gazelle environmental baseline study will include specific investigations on water/sediment quality, lake bathymetry, limnology, catchment hydrology, fisheries and fish habitat assessment. Field data collection and observations will take about two to three days. Field staff of 3 will be transported by air to Ekati from Yellowknife. From Ekati, helicopter transport will be used to drop off the...

Snap Lake Fishery Inventory
Principal Investigator: Brodie, Chris
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: The purpose of the study is to carry out a small fish inventory of Snap Lake, located North East of Yellowknife and south of MacKay Lake. Gill nets will be set in the lake over 3 nights. A backpack electrofisher will be used at the lake margins and tributaries. Transportation to and from the site will be by float plane from Yellowknife. Sample size and species are the objectives of the study, and ...

BHP Diamonds baseline and long-term monitoring aquatic studies
Principal Investigator: Morantz, David
Licensed Year(s): 1996
Summary: The techniques to be used for the assessment of the fisheries in the Lac de Gras area will include small-mesh (1.5 inch) gillnetting, trapnetting (mark-recapture program), minnow-trapping and electroshocking (backpack model for stream surveys). Most fish will be live-released. A select number of fish will be retained (killed), for aging verification (using otoliths), tissue metals concentration ...

Inconnu anchor tagging and radio tagging migratory study
Principal Investigator: Chiperzak, Doug
Licensed Year(s): 1996
Summary: A sample of potential spawners (inconnu) will be tagged (30 radio tags and up to 300 anchor tags) in the area of shingle point, Coney Lake and possible other areas in the outer delta. fish will be captured using a combination of gillnets, box traps, angling, and seining. Tracking of radio tagged inconnu will be done from a fixed wing aircraft. Recapture information from tagged fish captured in ...

Kennedy Lake Project - 1996 Aquatic Studies
Principal Investigator: Pattenden, Rick
Licensed Year(s): 1996
Summary: The field program will be conducted during three sampling periods (spring, summer and fall). Lakes and streams in the immediate vicinity of the potential mine site will be examined. Sampling techniques will include angling, snorkeling, backpack electrofishing, beach seining, minnow traps and gill netting for fish. Plankton nets and eckman dredges will be used to collect plankton and benthic mac...

Basin-Wide Fall Burbot Collection
Principal Investigator: Bong, Tom D.
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: The researcher will collect fish for analyses of contaminant body burdens. The sample size for each species will be 10-15 of each sex at each sampling site. Fish will be collected using set lines set in the evening and fished overnight. Blood samples will be taken from live fish and then tissues will be sampled and sent to labs for analyses. Gut contents will be examined and the fish will be aged....

Fisheries Reconnaissance Survey of Streams to be Crossed by the Proposed Izok Lake - Coronation Gulf Road
Principal Investigator: Ash, Gary R.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993 1992
Summary: The survey will focus on identifying streams used by Arctic grayling for spawning. The route will be flown by helicopter and ground surveys will be conducted at selected sites to assess stream habitat (eg: discharge, depth, velocity, substrate) and fish use through backpack electrofishing, seining, and/or angling. This survey information will be used to provide a preliminary assessment of the im...

The Broad Whitefish Traditional Ecological Knowledge Study.
Principal Investigator: Freeman, Milton M.R.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1993 1992
Summary: The research team will carry out interviews with the Inuvialuit that are knowledgable about broad whitefish and its fishery in the local waters. Data to be obtained include information on the traditional fishery, changes to this fishery, knowledge about the breeding and feeding habits, migrations, parasites and diseases, and effects of the local environmental changes on whitefish....