Principal Investigator:Teichreb, Chris Licensed Year(s):2013201220112010200920082007200620052004
This work will assess the effects that mining may have on the aquatic environment of lakes within the Ekati claimblock as part of BHP Billiton's Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program. Data to be collected includes water quality, sediment quality, physical l...
Principal Investigator:Liber, Karsten Licensed Year(s):
The research team will be transported to Long Lake by aircraft, and will travel by truck on the mine site. Sample collection will be carried out using a motorized boat. Water and phytoplankton samples will be collected using a 10 L Go-Flo water sampler. Zooplankton samples will be collected using a zooplankton net. There are three taxa of freshwater zooplankton that may be collected from Long ...
Principal Investigator:Digel, Mark Licensed Year(s):
1995 Summary:
Methods of data collection will include water quality and bottom sampling in Lac de Gras and Lac du Sauvage; automatic and manual water level recordings; bathometric work; automatic weather stations and the monitoring of air-borne particles and visibility; continuation of baseline studies of soils and terrain, and vegetation; fish population, habitat, health, and spawning habits studies; baseline ...