Principal Investigator:Wiatzka, Gerd M Licensed Year(s):2007
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) has assumed responsibility for the contaminated sites of the Indore and Beaverlodge (Hottah) Mines and is in the process of characterizing the ecological and human health and safety risks associated with the sites in order for remediation strategies to be developed.
The work involves manual sampling and measurement with minimal disturbance of site cond...
Principal Investigator:LeTourneau, Michele Licensed Year(s):2008
The community-based monitoring camp was created by Diavik to involve Aboriginal Peoples of communities affected by the mine site. People are concerned with effects on fish, water and caribou. Dust from the mine falls out on lichen and water, which are then consumed by caribou and fish. People will gather information about Diavik and environment-related issues and provide input and recommendations ...
Principal Investigator:Edwards, Thomas W.D. Licensed Year(s):
The proposed research is part of an ongoing program of hydrological studies in the north aimed at improving our understanding of how water cycles through natural drainage systems. This year, I will examine water evaporation on lakes and ponds that are located on mine sites: results from this research will aid in the design of better tailings impoundments containing mine wastes/contaminants....