Contaminated Site Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - Indore, Hottah, and North Inca Historic Mining Operations

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: contaminants, environmental assessment, mining impacts

Principal Investigator: Wiatzka, Gerd M (12)
Licence Number: 14237
Organization: SENES Consultants Limited
Licensed Year(s): 2007 2006
Issued: Aug 23, 2007
Project Team: Gerd Wiatzka (Project Manager, SENES), Tony Brown (Field Specialist, SENES), Jeff Martin (Geochemical Characterization, SENES), Dr. Colin Macdonald (Biologist, Northern Environmental Consulting), Pat Harrison (Designated Substance Characterization, SENES), Dr. Shelagh Montgomery (Water Quality Specialist, SENES)

Objective(s): The project objectives include the collection of information and samples to characterize the environmental conditions at the sites. The types of samples to be collected include: water (8 samples), sediment (5 samples), soil/tailings/waste rock (5 samples) and designated substances (e.g., asbestos, lead paint, PCBs, hydrocarbons).

Project Description: The project objectives include the collection of information and samples to characterize the environmental conditions at the sites. The types of samples to be collected include: water (8 samples), sediment (5 samples), soil/tailings/waste rock (5 samples) and designated substances (e.g., asbestos, lead paint, PCBs, hydrocarbons). The work involves manual sampling and measurement with minimal disturbance of field conditions. No heavy equipment or drills will be used. On-site transportation will be on foot or by small boat. Sampling associated with this program will be undertaken in the near vicinity of the mine sites. The current program does not include establishment of a base camp. Transportation to the site will be via fixed-wing aircraft. The field team will fly to the sites on a daily basis from Yellowknife. Specific descriptions of the various types of sampling are provided below: Water and sediment sampling - all lake samples will be collected from a small inflatable boat. The samples will be analyzed to see if the water or sediments have been contaminated by the mine. The number and volume of samples is very small (will fit in 3 coolers). Soil/tailings/waste rock sampling - approximately five small samples of surface soil/tailings/waste rock will be collected from each of the mines. A shovel will be used to collect the samples. The samples will be analyzed to determine if they are having an impact on the environment. Designated substances - small samples of building materials will be collected from the structures present at the site. Depending on the nature of the material, a small knife or chisel will be used to collect the sample. The samples will be analyzed to see if any special precautions need to be taken while handling/disposing the building materials. Field and final reports describing the 2007 monitoring/assessment programs and associated results will be provided to INAC. INAC will communicate this information to individuals and communities through their on-going communication/consultation program. Fieldwork will be conducted from August 22 to September 30, 2007 at the Indore Mine (in Hottah Lake, 64o48'38.41" and 118o21'58.77"), Hottah Mine (also known as Beaverlodge Mine, on Beaverlodge Lake, 64o43'57.12" and 118o10'52.52") and North Inca Mine (on Indin Lake, 64.265112 and 115.223185).