129 record(s) found in the location "North Slave Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Lookout Pond Fish Study - 2003
Principal Investigator: Mercredi, Jayda
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: The objective of this project is to determine whether Lookout Pond, at the Ekati Diamond Mine site, is a fish bearing water body. Should any fish be caught, they will be released back into Lookout Pond and the project will be terminated. Fish capture me...

Monitoring Program for the Misery Site Surplus Water Atomization Project
Principal Investigator: Armstrong, Allison
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: The Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board has authorized the discharge of a small amount of water through an experimental water treatment system. This system sprays water into the air and onto the tundra. It is anticipated that the water that is discha...

Pelzer Pond Fish Study - 2003
Principal Investigator: Butler, Helen
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: The objective of this project is to determine if Pelzer Pond, at the Ekati Diamond Mine site, is a fish bearing water body. Previous fishing efforts conducted as part of a baseline study in 1999 indicated that there were no fish in the pond. The resear...

2003 Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program
Principal Investigator: Teichreb, Chris
Licensed Year(s): 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Summary: This work will assess the effects that mining may have on the aquatic environment of lakes within the Ekati claimblock as part of BHP Billiton's Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program. Data to be collected includes water quality, sediment quality, physical l...

Matthews Lake and Area Fish Habitat Restoration Program
Principal Investigator: Moore, Peter
Licensed Year(s): 2004 2003
Summary: Dillon Consulting Limited has been retained to complete habitat restoration activities at the historic Salmita Mine site at Matthews Lake. The 2003 phase of this project is to conduct baseline aquatic assessments at the Matthews Lake site to identify pr...

Climatic Relationships to Phenological Patterns Among Arctic Plant Species
Principal Investigator: Clark, Karin
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: The objectives of the research are to get a better understanding of how caribou foraged plant species might be responding to climate. This information may be used to make predictions of how plants might adapt to a warmer climate and in turn how this mig...

Fisheries Studies For 2002 Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program
Principal Investigator: Landry, Francois
Licensed Year(s): 2002
Summary: The field work is intended to provide baseline fisheries data for four lakes (Horseshoe, Toss, Fay and Logan) and to obtain post-baseline fisheries data on eight lakes (Vulture, Kodiak, Nema, Cujo, Nanuq, Counts, and Slipper) within the Ekati claimblock...

2002 Baseline Fisheries Assessment - Ekati Ponds
Principal Investigator: Moore, Peter
Licensed Year(s): 2002
Summary: The objective of this study is to collect detailed baseline information on several seasonal streams and ponds on BHP Billiton's Ekati Claim Block, confirm the presence or absence of various fish species in the proposed areas, and determine their value as...

Sable and Two Rock Lake Fish-Out
Principal Investigator: Chubb, Derek
Licensed Year(s): 2002 2001
Summary: This project is to meet the requirements of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Sable and Two Rock Lakes will be lost through the course of mining activities and the scientific collection of data related to the fish population prior to their removal...

2002 Panda Diversion Channel Monitoring Program
Principal Investigator: Moore, Peter
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998
Summary: This project is to meet the requirements of the Fish Habitat Compensation Agreement between BHP and DFO. The purpose of the project is to monitor the effectiveness of created fish habitat within the Panda Diversion Channgel. Assessments will include an e...