Principal Investigator:Kah, Linda Licensed Year(s):
1993 Summary:
Characteristics of ancient sediments reveal information about the chemical, biological and physical environment within which these sediments were formed. By studying the patterns of rocks found in the north Baffin area, I hope to discover how much of the formation of these rocks was due to the algae that lived in ancient oceans, and how much was due to the chemical makeup of the water. The resea...
Principal Investigator:Taylor, R.B. Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
The researcher and his team will search for new evidence pertaining to the recent history of relative sea level so that a Holocene sea level curve can be constructed for the Arctic Island shores....
Principal Investigator:Brand, Uwe Licensed Year(s):1993
The Researchers will study sedimentary rocks and fossils that were formed more than 350 million years ago in warm tropical seas. The study helps to interpret the ancient environments and will outline which rock units were most favourable to generating and hosting economic mineral deposits....
Principal Investigator:Jones, Timothy Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
The Research team will continue work begun in 1990 to carry out a resource evaluation of the Bluenose Lake area. A national park has been proposed for the area. Before land can be set aside as a park reserve an assessment of non-renewable (oil, gas, minerals) resource potential is required....
Principal Investigator:Dixon, James Licensed Year(s):1996199419931992
The Researchers will examine, measure and record details of specific rock units in the Northern Richardson Mountains using a helicopter to visit a number of sites....
Principal Investigator:Miller, Gifford H. Licensed Year(s):199419931991
19891987 Summary:
The Researcher and his team will conduct a study which relates to past glacial activity and sea level change in the eastern Canadian Arctic. The studies will concentrate on evidence for the direction and timing of ice movement in Frobisher Bay and on the adjacent Baffin Shelf....
Principal Investigator:Jones, Brian Licensed Year(s):
To map and measure stratigraphy (layerd) sections and to collect paleontological (fossil) samples as part of a Phd. program of study....
Principal Investigator:Davis, P. Thompson Licensed Year(s):
To obtain sediment cores, peat samples, lichen growth samples and to map and date glacial land forms. This is part of a study of glacial and ancient climate history....
Principal Investigator:Funston, Bernard W. Licensed Year(s):
As part of a mountaineering expedition, to examine the layered sands of the area to determine the natur eof their origin. The study will also look for the record of how the glaciers receded in the area....
Principal Investigator:Brigham, Julie K. Licensed Year(s):
As part of a Mastre's degree to study the glacial history of the area. The raised marine terraces will be studied. Glacial and glaciomarine sediments will also be examined....