Principal Investigator:Davidson, Scott Licensed Year(s):
The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is a "non-intrusive" assessment, means no borehole or test pit will be drilled on the site and no water or soil samples will be collected or laboratory analyses. The majority of the work focus on desktop studies, by reviewing previous drilling reports, geological investigation reports, environmental assessment reports, claim reports, information at the go...
Principal Investigator:Robb, Tonia L Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of the monitoring program are to ensure that the on-site remediation works remain effective; to ensure that site specific health risks are monitored; and to identify any long-term changes that might be indicative of failures of the remediation works.
The above objectives will be met by conducting a geotechnical inspection of the decommissioned mine, tailings and waste dump areas;...
Principal Investigator:Wright, Greg T Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of the assessment are to collect sufficient soil, sediment and surface water samples in order to characterize the site and to determine areas that require remediation. Samples of the waste rock piles will also be evaluated to determine the potential for acid rock drainage. After the completion of the field program, a risk assessment will be completed to Health Canada protocols in ...
Principal Investigator:Diplock, David A Licensed Year(s):
The overall objective of the Phase I ESA is to identify and document any actual or potential environmental risks associated with the subject properties and provide recommendations for further assessment and/or risk management.
The two main goals needed to meet the objective are:
1) Produce a Records Review Report of existing site information; components of the records review will be to identify ...
Principal Investigator:Ziervogel, Herb Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this project is to determine the current environmental and physical condition of the site, in support of the development of a remedial action plan and remediation specifications for the site.
On Treasure Island, the field team will use shovel and hand auger to collect limited soil and waste rock samples for lab testing. The lab testing will focus on hydrocarbons and metals. Th...
Principal Investigator:Farrell, Rory Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this project are to characterize and delineate potential contaminants of concern at the Site, determine volumes of Hazardous Materials at the Site and identify potential borrow sources for landfilling at the Site (if necessary). A remedial action plan will then be developed outlining the most environmental, and cost effective method to restore the Site to its natural condition.
Principal Investigator:Wiatzka, Gerd M Licensed Year(s):
2008200720062005 Summary:
The objective of the work is to assist INAC with its ongoing work to clean up the abandoned mine sites, and to insure that remediation efforts are performing as planned.
SENES will be carrying out the sampling for the Contaminants and Remediation Directorate (CARD) of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). INAC CARD has the responsibility to manage the abandoned Great Bear Lake mine sites i...
Principal Investigator:Katz, Sharon Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this project are to determine the levels of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) in edible plants in the area between Pine Point, a site of a closed Pb/Zn mine, and Fort Resolution; to determine the levels of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) in edible plants along the railroad track between Pine Point and Hay River; to use data collected on an interce...
Principal Investigator:Schryer, Rick P. Licensed Year(s):
Sampling of water, sediment, benthic invertebrates, fish inventories, and fish habitat mapping will be done. Water will be collected for chemical analysis, and limnology measurements taken. Sediment will be collected for chemical analysis and particle size analysis. Benthic invertebrates will be collected for taxonomic identification. Fish species, presence and relative abundance will be determine...
Principal Investigator:Wiatzka, Gerd M Licensed Year(s):2007
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) has assumed responsibility for the contaminated sites of the Indore and Beaverlodge (Hottah) Mines and is in the process of characterizing the ecological and human health and safety risks associated with the sites in order for remediation strategies to be developed.
The work involves manual sampling and measurement with minimal disturbance of site cond...