Principal Investigator:Schunke, Ekkehard Licensed Year(s):
199419921990 Summary:
The researcher will measure discharge, run-off velocity, sediment load, dissolved load and microclimate parameters (air and ground temperatures, relative humidity, evaporation, precipitation and radiation) in small valleys of James Creek. They drive to the location in a 3/4 ton truck which is parked in an abandoned quarry near the road. They walk to their data collection sites. The observations...
Principal Investigator:Boyes, Donald M. Licensed Year(s):1995
1990 Summary:
The collection of the field data is required to collaborate satellite image classifications and interpretations concerning water body measurements, plant community types and sedimentation patterns. Field measurements will include measuring ground distances and recording plant characteristics. Nothing in the field area will be destroyed or removed....
Principal Investigator:Lewkowicz, Antoni G Licensed Year(s):
199319921991199019881987 Summary:
The aim of this ongoing research is to establish links between climate and the movements of soil. By collecting this type of data, it may be possible to determine the effect that climate changes may have on the movements of soil down slopes, into rivers and eventually into the sea. The project has been underway for several years because soil movements are mostly slow and therefore difficult to mea...
Principal Investigator:Hartshorn, James Licensed Year(s):
Debris flows are landslides composed of rock, soil and water that start on steep slopes as a result of rapid snowmelt and/or intense rainfall. They are significant processes in both periglacial and non-periglacial regions, both visually dominant and geomorphically effective through downslope transport of material. The aim of this study is to assess the cause & effect of such activity in order to g...
Principal Investigator:Wolfe, Alexander P. Licensed Year(s):1992
1990 Summary:
During the last glacial period, 110,000 to 5,000 years to present some lakes escaped glaciation. The Researcher will retrieve sediment cores from three upland lakes to investigate the physical responses of the sediments and the biological responses of algae toward this climatic event....
Principal Investigator:Forsyth, D.A. Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will study rocks making up the top 40 km of the earth on the polar margin northeast of Ellef Ringnes Island. The seismic refraction survey will measure the speed of sound waves through the rocks....
Principal Investigator:Muecke, Gunter K. Licensed Year(s):19921990
Dr. Muecke and his team will be traveling to Ellesmere and Axel Heiberg Islands to investigate the field relations, petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and geo-chronology of magmatic rocks of the northern Canadian Arctic Islands....
Principal Investigator:McCarron, Joe Licensed Year(s):
Joe McCarron and his team will map the Eastern Phillips Inlet. They will also be investigating the relationship between insects and plants in the high Arctic....
Principal Investigator:Sadura, Steven Licensed Year(s):
Mr. Sadura is continuing the study begun last summer by Dr. Martini in Foxe Basin. They are looking at the form and shape of the coastline and the bottom of the ocean in Foxe Basin. They will be collecting samples of soil and rock from along the coastline and the ocean bottom....
Principal Investigator:Ford, Derek C. Licensed Year(s):1988
To study the origin of the landforms developed on the Bear Rock Formation and the modes in which water sinks into and through it to springs....