Geomorphology and Groundwater Hydrology of the Lower Devonian Bear Rock Formation, N.W.T.

Regions: Sahtu Settlement Area, Dehcho Region

Tags: physical sciences, geological mapping, groundwater, geologic origins

Principal Investigator: Ford, Derek C. (2)
Licence Number: 8073
Organization: McMaster University
Licensed Year(s): 1988 1987
Issued: Jan 01, 1988
Project Team: Jim Hamilton; Laura Hastings

Objective(s): To study the origin of the landforms that overlie the Bear Rock Formation; to investigate the modes in which water sinks into and moves through the rocks to springs

Project Description: Jim Hamilton, a student of Dr. Ford from McMaster University, and his field assistant will hike through these areas to record the locations of different kinds of rocks and landforms. He is also interested in finding out how water from snowmelt and rain travels through the soil and rocks to come out at various springs. To do this, he will inject a nonpoisonous fluid so that he can trace the water flow at Bear Rock.