Principal Investigator:Blowes, David W. Licensed Year(s):
202320222021 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5779.
The overall goals of the four projects proposed within Phase 1 are to:
1. Provide an enhanced understanding of the physical and geochemical properties of the roaster waste
2. Screen for potentially viable remediation alternatives that may warrant additional research (e.g., long-term laboratory experiments, pilot-s...
Principal Investigator:Palmer, Mike Licensed Year(s):2024
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5531.
The overarching objective of this program is to take an ecosystem approach to assessing how multiple environmental stressors impact aquatic habitats in subarctic shield terrain. There are three central activities that will be undertaken with this license and they are designed to address the specific objectives below: ...
Principal Investigator:Campbell, Joseph W Licensed Year(s):
2017201620152014 Summary:
Follow-up on exploration activity associated with Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board land use permit MV2014C0005 on Terrax Minerals Inc. City of Yellowknife Gold Project. Work would include initial environmental baseline work, and expansion of research programs to establish sufficient study for possible future Environmental Impact Assessment of potential mine development if exploration activiti...
Principal Investigator:Wells, David A Licensed Year(s):20242023202220212019
2017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720052004200320022001 Summary:
The objective of this project is to revisit fixed sample stations at near-field, mid-field and far-field sites over the course of the year in an effort to determine any seasonal variation that may exist and confirm impact predictions.
The Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program (AEMP) Version 3.5 will consist of the following components; Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Dust Deposition; Effluent an...
Principal Investigator:Beveridge, Meghan Licensed Year(s):2018
2016201520142013 Summary:
The purpose of the project is to work in collaboration with Northwest Territories (NWT) communities to collect water quality data to answer community concerns and questions about the health of NWT waters, to enhance understanding of cumulative impacts and to contribute to decision making.
There are three associated objectives:
1) collect water quality data at locations throughout the NWT, to ...
Principal Investigator:Doucet, Michael Licensed Year(s):
2015 Summary:
The primary objective of this research program is to determine the environmental and physical conditions of nine sites in the Gordon Lake region.
This research will include the identification and quantification of environmental impacts in soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater. Samples of biota (e.g. Hyalella) may be collected at certain sites during the field program. The potential for...
Principal Investigator:Blais, Jules M Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are:
1) to determine the impact of shoreline expansion and forest/peat submergence from thawing permafrost on contaminant and carbon fluxes to lakes in the Yellowknife region;
2) to develop novel approaches to track terrestrial organic matter sources in lakes, in order to assess how climate warming and permafrost thaw are affecting the delivery of terrestr...
Principal Investigator:Challen Urbanic, Jane Licensed Year(s):
201120102009 Summary:
The objective of this research is to assess the performance of lagoons and wetlands in the treatment of municipal wastewater in Canada's Arctic. A secondary objective is to determine the occurrence of trace contaminants in northern wastewaters.
Samples will be taken from the influent (raw sewage) and effluent (treated wastewater) of each wastewater system identified earlier in the application. ...
Principal Investigator:O'Neill, Norm T Licensed Year(s):
20102009 Summary:
The objective of this research project is to measure the aerosol optical depth and sky radiance at Yellowknife using an automated, sun-tracking, CIMEL sunphotometer.
In this project, measurements of instruments in the network (called AEROCAN which is the Canadian sub-network of the world-wide NASA-led network called AERONET) are performed using a CIMEL sunphotometer / sky radiometer. This instr...
Principal Investigator:Zawacky, Summer R Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to complete detailed site investigations at each location (5 in total) to determine environmental and physical conditions. This will include the identification and quantification of environmental impacts in soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater, and the identification of any hazardous or non-hazardous materials left on site.
Columbia personnel will follo...