20 record(s) found in the location "Inuvialuit Settlement Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Assessing Impacts of Permafrost Degradation on Community Infrastructure Due to Climate Change: Modeling, Simulation and Adaptation Costing
Principal Investigator: Zhou, Fuqun
Licensed Year(s): 2004
Summary: Structural infrastructure in northern communities is dependent on the permafrost layer for stability. The thawing and disappearance of the permafrost layer has accelerated in recent decades, damaging buildings and other infrastructure, and causing public...

Pemafrost and Sump Investigations in the Mackenzie Delta Region
Principal Investigator: Kokelj, Steven V
Licensed Year(s): 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 2000 1999
Summary: This research will investigate: A) the physical and chemical characteristics of permafrost in the Mackenzie Delta region to identify areas of ice-rich permafrost or thaw sensitive terrain. Second; B) the effect of permafrost degradation on water quality...

Retrogressive Thaw Slides in the Richardson Range: Climate Change Indicator
Principal Investigator: Lacelle, Denis
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Summary: This is a study of retrogressive thaw sumps produced by the exposure and melting of massive ice in continuous permafrost (Richardson Range, NWT). These sumps are recently occurring and presumably a result of global climate change. This research will recognize retrogressive thaw slumps that have massive ice, identify the type of massive ice (glacier buried or segregated) and measure the rate of ...

Permafrost response to recent climate warming in the Mackenzie Delta and Yukon Coast.
Principal Investigator: Wolfe, Stephen A
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The objective of the present study is to assess the impact of recent warming, including the warm summer of 1998, on active layer thicknesses and slope stability in the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T. and Yukon North Slope. The main mode of transportation will be by helicopter (206L) and by boat to transport people. The helicopter will be based out of Inuvik with a fuel cache at Tuktoyaktuk. The helicop...

Stability of permafrost slopes in a warming climate
Principal Investigator: Dyke, Larry
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The goal of this research is to examine landslides on the slopes along the Mackenzie Valley, so that researchers can better understand their causes and the effect climate change will have on the landscape. Field work will be carried out between Wrigley and Inuvik along the Mackenzie River, with some access along the Dempster Highway. Tree increment cores will be used to determine tree age and dat...

Snow accumulation / runoff in high latitude permafrost basins.
Principal Investigator: Marsh, Philip
Licensed Year(s): 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1990
Summary: The Trail Valley Creek site will be accessed by Twin Otter, helicopter and snowmobile, while the Havikpak Creek site will be accessed by foot and snowmobile. We plan to have a small field crew at each site to measure the amount of snow on the ground in the middle of April, and to again return to measure snowmelt and the streamflow in mid to late May. Actual timing of the spring melt trip will depe...

Investigation of ground ice development in sediments of the Mackenzie delta area.
Principal Investigator: Burn, Chris R
Licensed Year(s): 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991
Summary: The purpose is to collect samples of ground ice and to measure air, ground, and lake temperatures. We use the information to help understand how the permafrost in the area has changed in the last few thousands years, in order to determine what might happen in the future....

Permafrost Adjustment to Coastal and Deltaic Processes: Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta
Principal Investigator: Dyke, Larry
Licensed Year(s): 1992 1991 1990
Summary: The research will involve permafrost adjustment studies on the outer Delta as well as preliminary work on landslide mechanisms along the Mackenzie River between Norman Wells and the head of the Mackenzie Delta. The purpose of the work is to understand the importance of sedimentary processes in controlling the growth and disappearance of permafrost along the coast of the Beaufort Sea....

Reconstruction of Holocene Environments
Principal Investigator: Begin, Christian
Licensed Year(s): 1990
Summary: The research team will investigate a few localities to determine the best sites to study eolian deposits (sand dunes) and features related to permafrost degradation. Samples of granular and organic deposits will be taken....

Licence #2761
Principal Investigator: French, Hugh
Licensed Year(s): 1982
Summary: To continue studies of permafrost and land & terrain form related to permafrost erosional factors....