Principal Investigator:Katz, Sharon Licensed Year(s):
The goals of this study are: to develop an understanding of water and ice behaviour in sites on the Mackenzie and Great Bear rivers; to obtain knowledge of water speed, depth, current profile, frazil ice and how deep ice may reach into the rivers during the Spring break up; to use this information to determine the feasibility of using Ducted Venturi and Gorlov Helical Turbines (DV-GHT) to harness ...
Principal Investigator:Nixon, Frederick M Licensed Year(s):2008
20062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990 Summary:
The active layer is the earth overlying permafrost that thaws from the surface and re-freezes each year, and it responds to climate change. Active layer thickness influences vegetation and soil conditions, potentially influencing hunting, forestry, etc. and it’s, thickness, texture and moisture content affects foundations. Changes in the active layer and thaw depth can contribute to slope instabil...
Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):2008
The Arctic Ocean receives much higher river inflows than other ocean basins and this has major implications for sea-ice formation, for nutrient supply to the base of aquatic marine foodwebs, and for optical properties of ice-free areas and ice-pack margins via fluxes of dissolved organic matter and riverine particles. The Beaufort Shelf is strongly influenced by Mackenzie River outflows. However, ...
Principal Investigator:Hawkins, Jim R. Licensed Year(s):
Several biophysical and engineering studies on the feasibility of a pipeline in the Mackenzie Valley have been conducted, and will continue in 2007. Local knowledge, scientific research, and existing technical information are being used to develop a knowledge base for environmental protection plans, engineering design and regulatory processes.
Route and site reconnaissance will be by helicopte...
Principal Investigator:Prowse, Terry D Licensed Year(s):2008
200620052004 Summary:
The objectives of this study are to quantify the frequency and magnitude of ice jams in the Mackenzie River Delta, including the hydroclimatic conditions controlling their occurrence and associated floods, develop a hydraulic model of it, and investigate the importance of deep scour holes in the Mackenzie River.
This study is an expansion of previous research conducted in 2004. Ice jamming has ...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
This research is part of an aerial reconnaissance program to study spring breakup at the major watercourse crossings along the proposed pipeline right-of-way from the Deh Cho region in the south to the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the north. The resea...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):
20042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921990 Summary:
The primary objective of this project is to improve understanding of the changes in water and energy in northern regions, and to develop improved computer models of these processes. The Trail Valley Creek, Hans Creek, and Zed Creek sites will be accessed...
Principal Investigator:Guo, Laodong Licensed Year(s):2005
The purpose of this study is to collect river waters to determine the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, and nutrients, including nitrate, phosphate and silicate, and to examine their temporary variations related to c...
Principal Investigator:de Rham, Laurent Licensed Year(s):
It is known that extreme flood levels within the Mackenzie River Basin are caused by ice jamming events. Analysis of open water versus ice influenced water levels at several sites within the Mackenzie River Basin will provide further quantification of th...
Principal Investigator:Schunke, Ekkehard Licensed Year(s):
199419921990 Summary:
The researcher will measure discharge, run-off velocity, sediment load, dissolved load and microclimate parameters (air and ground temperatures, relative humidity, evaporation, precipitation and radiation) in small valleys of James Creek. They drive to the location in a 3/4 ton truck which is parked in an abandoned quarry near the road. They walk to their data collection sites. The observations...