Principal Investigator:Baldwin, Blair E Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5602.
Collect instantaneous flow rates at the Duport and James River crossing locations.
Flow discharge monitoring will be collected at the two identified crossing locations following the manual quantitative stream discharge protocol as described in Section 4: Module 5 of the Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol (OSAP 20...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5568.
The primary objective of this project is to link long-term records of ground temperature and permafrost conditions with changes in landcover and water quality of adjacent ponds and lakes. In other words, how thawing permafrost alters terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem properties.
Along the Mackenzie Valley corridor...
Principal Investigator:Hicks, Faye E Licensed Year(s):20132012
2010200920082007200620052004 Summary:
The objective of this project is to study ice processes on the Hay River in order to continue ongoing development of computer models to predict them. Also, some flood warning tools have been developed for the community and the team would like to test and enhance them.
In order to develop realistic models, it is important that the researchers have the opportunity to observe river breakup so as ...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009
20072006 Summary:
The objectives of this project are to understand and predict stream discharge in northern regions and water levels in the Mackenzie Delta, in order to better understand the impact of climate change and natural gas development.
Sites will be visited between April and September, accessed from Inuvik using helicopter, snowmobile, and float plane. On site travel will be by boat and on foot. Activi...
Principal Investigator:Demuth, Michael N Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research are to document the glaciers in the Ragged Range, how they have changed in the past and what their role is presently in providing meltwater for the upper reaches of the South Nahanni River and the Flat River.
Glaciers nourish streams and groundwater when other sources are absent or in decline (e.g., snowmelt, precipitation). They are most important late in the...
Principal Investigator:Buckland, Laurie L Licensed Year(s):
The Wha Ti Charter Community proposes to develop a run-of-river hydro facility on the La Martre river. The isolated community would like to replace its current diesel generator with a more sustainable, energy efficient and less costly system. An environm...
Principal Investigator:Dahl-Fequet, Monica L Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this project is to collect biological and hydrological information on Hill Creek. It is unknown as to whether or not the culvert at the Hill Creek highway crossing is large enough to allow for the spring migration of spawning fish. The researchers will collect fisheries and habitat information on Hill Creek. This data will include fish presence/absence, lifestage and species com...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):2005
This research forms part of an aerial reconnaissance program to observe the characteristic break-up patterns at selected watercourse crossings along the proposed pipeline right-of-way from the Deh Cho region in the south to the Inuvialuit Settlement Regi...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):2005
This research forms part of an aerial reconnaissance program to observe the characteristic break-up patterns at selected watercourse crossings along the proposed pipeline right-of-way from the Deh Cho region in the south to the Inuvialuit Settlement Regi...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):
This research forms part of an aerial reconnaissance program to observe the characteristic break-up patterns at selected watercourse crossings along the proposed pipeline right-of-way from the Deh Cho region in the south to the Inuvialuit Settlement Regi...