8 record(s) found for principal investigator "Baltzer, Jennifer" (multi-year projects are grouped): Not seeing the results you want? Tryadvanced search.
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5568.
The primary objective of this project is to link long-term records of ground temperature and permafrost conditions with changes in landcover and water quality of adjacent ponds and lakes. In other words, how thawing permafrost alters terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem properties.
Along the Mackenzie Valley corridor...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5567.
This project has two primary objectives:
1) To investigate the differences in shrub productivity traits between undisturbed and disturbed tundra sites to better understand the impact of shrub expansion and disturbance on ecosystem function.
2) To investigate the impact of shrub productivity trait differences on deco...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):20242023202220212020
The primary objective is to better understand the impact of disturbance on forest regeneration in the NWT. To this end, the team aim to evaluate the direct impacts of both forest harvesting and wildfire on tree regeneration the interaction of these two disturbances with permafrost thaw.
The research team will establish new monitoring sites in the proposed Forest Management Areas and adjacent un...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):20212019
The overall objective is to understand existing and potential impacts of climate change and resource development in the SahtĂș region on four key aspects: 1) the landscape, 2) vegetation, 3) water resources and 4) aquatic ecosystems. Specifically, the research team seek to understand: a) terrain instability due to permafrost thaw, especially around communities and culturally-important areas; b) veg...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):2017
The objective is to determine the growth and recruitment responses of trees and shrubs to changing climate conditions near tree line and improve our understanding of the drivers of shrub patch expansion on the tundra.
Understanding the drivers of shrub distribution and shrub patch expansion on the tundra:
Ten shrub patches were selected for measurement and paired permanent monitoring plots wer...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):20182017
The objective is to improve the empirical foundations for predictive caribou habitat mapping within the forested areas of the Taiga Plains and Taiga Shield Ecoregions in NWT, roughly south of Great Bear Lake. A network of long-term study plots will be established across a range of fire characteristics and vegetation types, where the research team will measure the rate and direction of forest and c...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):2015
To determine the growth and recruitment responses of trees and shrubs to changing climate conditions the near tree line.
The research team will measure long-term tree and shrub growth at Havikpak and Trail Valley Creek using tree ring analysis. Specifically, at each site, small wood samples (cores) will be taken from each individual to measure the changes in annual ring widths through time. Wit...
Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):2015
The primary objective is to quantify the relationships between vegetation community composition and structure and near-surface ground ice content. An improved understanding of ground ice-vegetation interactions could contribute both to the understanding of permafrost ecosystems as well as the more applied geotechnical value afforded by an easily measured surrogate of near surface ground ice condit...