Principal Investigator:Tsui, Olivier Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the winter field survey is to determine and record lakes where ice has frozen to the bottom and areas where floating ice is present. Along with obtaining this information, snow depth, ice thickness, ice type, photos, and local weather conditions will be recorded. The objective of the summer field work is to observe broad wetland types and the extent and presence of submerged aquat...
Principal Investigator:Wolfe, Brent BBW Licensed Year(s):20072006
200420032002 Summary:
Summer 2005 field activities will focus on continuing multi-year studies of the modern hydrology and ecology of the Slave River Delta. The aim of this research is to improve knowledge of changes in lake water balance and chemistry and the subsequent responses of aquatic plants over seasonal and inter-annual time-scales under varying climatic and hydrological conditions. Overall, this information...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Peter Licensed Year(s):
As part of the 2003 Baker Creek Environmental Monitoring Program, Dillon Consulting Limited will conduct fish habitat assessments at Baker Creek, Yellowknife. Benthic invertebrates will be sampled at each of 8 sampling sites using multi-plate artificial...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Peter Licensed Year(s):2001
This program is a detailed assessment of the created/enhanced habitat at Frank Channel, based on fish use and function in comparison with habitat design targets. Habitat monitoring will require seasonal assessments within the open water period at times associated with the targeted fish's life stages (Northern Pike). During early spring, mid summer and late summer, Frank Channel habitat will be m...
Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):201720162015201420102009200720062005200420032002200120001999
19971996199519941993 Summary:
There are two specific goals for this field season.
1) Evaluation of distributions of aquatic plants & their relation to water clarity and flooding among a set of lakes that range from non-transparent to relatively transparent. This study will improve our understanding of how changes in the delta sedimentation regime could affect the amount of plant growth at the base of the aquatic food chain. T...
Principal Investigator:Copland, Ian Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will conduct an inventory of the local seaweed stocks found within a 12-mile radius of Whale Cove. Samples of seaweed will be collected from areas with different habitat (e.g., solid rock seabed, cobble seabed, etc.) to determine species type, and plant size and maturity. In addition, a collection device (called a `drag') will be used to gather larger samples of seaweed in order ...
Principal Investigator:Sheath, Robert Licensed Year(s):1994
The researcher and his team will survey streams for macroscopic algae, and relate their distribution to various physical and chemical characteristics, biomes and drainage basins. They will also set up a seasonal study of the physiological adaptations of macroalgae to the harsh conditions of tundra streams. As well, a widespread seaweed will be collected for comparison with other populations to d...
Principal Investigator:Beyens, L. Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
In the vicinity of Cambridge Bay the researcher hopes to gain more insight in the biogeography and ecology of unicellulars, i.e. diatoms and testate amoebae. A small collection of samples of terrestrial and aquatic material will be undertaken....
Principal Investigator:Kristensen, John Licensed Year(s):
As part of aquatic habitat and biological studies to sample fish, invertebrates, benthic stream vegetation tissue and water as well as to document aquatic habitat. Heavy Metal analysis will be carried out on the water, benthic sediments and plant tissue samples....