2003 Baker Creek Environmental Monitoring Program

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: fish habitat, fish sampling, arsenic, metals, sediment, aquatic plants, benthic invertebrates

chercheur principal: Moore, Peter (8)
Nᵒ de permis: 13444
Organisation: Dillon Consulting Limited
Année(s) de permis: 2003
Délivré: mai 28, 2003
Équipe de projet: Craig Park

Objectif(s): As part of the 2003 Baker Creek Environmental Monitoring Program, Dillon Consulting Limited will conduct fish habitat assessments at Baker Creek, Yellowknife. The 2003 environmental program will also focus on monitoring criteria suggested by the Giant Mine Project Team, which includes: (1) sediment toxicity testing, to determine if remediation of the sediments in Baker Creek is required; (2) chronic toxicity tests, benthic and fish surveys, to determine an acceptable arsenic level in the water; (3) bioavailability of arsenic in the creek sediments for uptake by benthic organisms, plants and fish by sequential extraction tests; and (4) benthic invertebrate, fish and Baker Creek water sampling for metal analyses.