Principal Investigator:Salokangas, Raila M Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this research is to investigate the meaning of education for Inuvialuit youth and their families in the community of Tuktoyaktuk, specifically; how has the meaning of education changed for the Inuvialuit families? Further, how has education contributed to social change and how does social change contribute to changes in education? Also, is the meaning for education different for local ...
Principal Investigator:Paci, Chris J Licensed Year(s):
The importance of this research is to articulate northern science research capacity, the role of colleges in building northern capacity, and the knowledge-based investments Canada is making in the North. Members of the research team will visit the Aurora College campuses in Yellowknife, Fort Smith and Inuvik to undertake literature searches. Other than accessing college libraries, the research tea...
Principal Investigator:Robinson, Suzanne M Licensed Year(s):
200620052004 Summary:
The main goal of this Master’s level project is to create a local video featuring local people. The open-ended interview format is designed to allow community members to have the chance to tell their stories and express their views about how education and learning are an important part of their families. The methods to be employed in the project will consist of personal reflective journaling, inte...
Principal Investigator:Robertson, Doug F Licensed Year(s):
This Master’s-level research project entails assessing the situation of Aurora College Community Adult Educators working in remote communities in the Northwest Territories, with the goal of discovering strategies and procedures to improve the delivery of guidance and support to these individuals. Specific objectives of the project include: 1) assessing the current satisfaction levels, with regard ...
Principal Investigator:Pilz, Krista Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this thesis research is to examine the role that Donald Marsh, the second Anglican Bishop of the Arctic, had on development of northern social policies specifically regarding wildlife management, education, health care, and family welfare....
Principal Investigator:Gowan, Bill Licensed Year(s):
Data from a number of studies indicate the likelihood of northern communities with a prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) children above the national average. Students with FASD bring a wide variety of behavioral and cognitive disabilitie...
Principal Investigator:Tymchak, Michael Licensed Year(s):
This review was initiated by Aurora College as part of explorations along with the Department of Education, Culture and Employment related to providing opportunities for northerners to complete the Bachelor of Education degree in the NWT. The project pur...
Principal Investigator:Auchterlonie, Sandy Licensed Year(s):
This project will help to provide an understanding of 1) the transitions youth in the NWT face; 2) the difficulties that sometimes go along with transitions; 3) what helps transitions go smoothly; and 4) the programs, services and other resources youth n...
Principal Investigator:Branch, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will meet with community members, parents, students, teachers and school administrators to learn about the information seeking processes of junior high students. The equipment used on site will include a computer with CD-ROM capabilities, audio cassette recorder and video cassette recorder. The methods of data collection will include interviews, observations and verbal protocol anal...
Principal Investigator:Dixon, Nora Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of the project will be to document the nature of a struggling adolescent reader's reading experiences including types of materials read, the reading settings and functions, and socio-cultural factors that influence reading. This research will involve a series of interviews of one adolescent. A reading diary will be prepared by the participant. The researcher will obtain informed consen...