Developing Support Systems for Community Adult Educators

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Gwich'in Settlement Area, Sahtu Settlement Area

Tags: social sciences, education, employment, teachers

Principal Investigator: Robertson, Doug F (1)
Licence Number: 14085
Organization: Aurora College
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Issued: Nov 27, 2006

Project Description: This Master’s-level research project entails assessing the situation of Aurora College Community Adult Educators working in remote communities in the Northwest Territories, with the goal of discovering strategies and procedures to improve the delivery of guidance and support to these individuals. Specific objectives of the project include: 1) assessing the current satisfaction levels, with regard to leadership and support offered to Community Adult Educators by Aurora College; 2) recommending initiatives to enhance the experience of leadership and support offered to Community Adult Educators by Aurora College in an effort to increase job satisfaction on the part of Community Adult Educators; 3) improving retention rates of Community Adult Educators by providing increased levels of support and leadership. An Appreciative Inquiry approach will be used in the research, which would involve the use of two research tools: one-on-one interviews and an on-line forum instrument. Overall, data will be gathered from approximately twenty individuals involved in providing adult education services at the Aurora College Community Learning Centres in Inuvik, Paulatuk, Ulukhaktok, Tuktoyaktuk, Aklavik, Tsiigehtchic, Fort McPherson, Norman Wells, Deline, Tulita, Fort Good Hope and Colville Lake. Interviews will follow a semi-standardized format with a set of questions common to all participants. In addition, this format allows the researcher the flexibility to pursue other lines of questioning as themes / issues arise during the interview process. One-on-one interviews will be conducted with six current Community Adult Educators and two former Community Adult Educators, as well as with the Chairperson of Community Programs and two former Chairpersons of Community Programs. In addition, these interviews will include two regional coordinators, and one administrative assistant. The researcher anticipates conducting some of these interviews face-to-face; others will be conducted by telephone. Written permission will be sought of each research participant to participate in the research and to record the interview using a digital audio recorder. The resulting audio recording will then be transferred to a computer file and then transcribed using voice recognition software to create a text document. The six Community Adult Educators who are not participating in the one-on-one interviews will be asked to take part in the online forum instrument. The online forum instrument will be hosted on the Aurora Campus intranet and will be accessible only by the six Community Adult Educators who will have been provided passwords by the researcher. In addition to having an opportunity to review their own input for accuracy prior to data analysis, research participants will be offered a copy of the completed project report. The researcher also anticipates having an opportunity to discuss the findings with the participants as a group at a future date. An executive summary of the research will be presented to the campus management team at Aurora Campus. A copy of the completed research project report will be on file at the Royal Roads University library and at the Aurora Research Institute library. Interviews for this study will take place from 27 November to 31 December, 2006.