Principal Investigator:Lantz, Trevor C. Licensed Year(s):
20052004 Summary:
The objective of this research is to explore the influence of temperature and disturbance on green alder by comparing alder characteristics on sites with different average temperatures and disturbance histories. Understanding of factors that influence alder populations today will assist in predicting the likely consequences of rising temperatures and increased disturbance on tall shrubs.
A min...
Principal Investigator:Guo, Laodong Licensed Year(s):2005
The purpose of this study is to collect river waters to determine the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, and nutrients, including nitrate, phosphate and silicate, and to examine their temporary variations related to c...
Principal Investigator:Kokelj, Steven V Licensed Year(s):
200320022001200020001999 Summary:
This research will investigate: A) the physical and chemical characteristics of permafrost in the Mackenzie Delta region to identify areas of ice-rich permafrost or thaw sensitive terrain. Second; B) the effect of permafrost degradation on water quality...
Principal Investigator:Lesack, Lance Licensed Year(s):20172016201520142010200920072006200520042003
200120001999199819971996199519941993 Summary:
The long term goal of this research is to develop a biogeochemical model for lakes in the Mackenzie Delta, and ultimately, a more generalized ecosystem model for floodplains and deltas of major world rivers that will facilitate assessing the effects of m...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):200520042003
20012000199919981997199619951994199319921990 Summary:
The primary objective of this project is to develop improved understanding of the fluxes of water and energy in northern regions, and to develop improved computer models of these processes. The Trail Valley Creek site will be accessed by helicopter and s...
Principal Investigator:Masse, Tom Licensed Year(s):
The research team proposes to collect ice cores and liquid water from the Mackenzie River adjacent to the Town of Inuvik. The research team will then examine the concentration of the naturally occuring, stable isotope of oxygen (oxygen -18) in these ice and water samples, and determine how these concentrations differ in Northern Alaska and Canada. All samples will be taken to the University of A...
Principal Investigator:Lamoureux, Scott F Licensed Year(s):
The research will require fieldwork in the Richardson Mountains between 27 April and 8 May, 2001. Research will involve the development of a high-resolution paleoenvironmental record based on lake sediments from up to six lakes in the Richardson Mountains and the Melville Hills in the NWT. Transportation in the field for the Dempster Highway study will be by snowmobile and snowshoes. If snow cov...
Principal Investigator:Solomon, Steve Licensed Year(s):
1999199719961995199419931992 Summary:
The primary objectives of the project are to map the coastline of the Canadian Beaufort Sea in terms of its sensitivity to coastal erosion and monitor changes in the coastline, and to collect information on the morphology of the coast and the sediments which compose it for use in developing and calibrating predictive models of coastal change. In order to achieve these objectives previously proven ...
Principal Investigator:Isaac, George Licensed Year(s):
Arctic clouds are dominant on average covering 40 to 60% of the skies over the Arctic ocean. They exert a large influence on the radiation balance in the Arctic, where climate change effects are predicted and observed to be largest in the northern hemisphere. The FIRE III field project will use in-situ measurements obtained using instrumental aircraft, in combination with concurrent satellite dta,...
Principal Investigator:Tarnocai, Charles Licensed Year(s):
Soil (at seven depths) and air temperature data are recorded by data loggers. These loggers are programmed to collect data every 3 hours on the hour. The sites are visited twice a year to reprogram the loggers. In addition, active layer depth and subsidence are also recorded during the fall visit. Researchers will collect this data in order to determine the effect of climate change on the envi...