Principal Investigator:Burn, Chris R Licensed Year(s):199719961995
199319921991 Summary:
The researcher will continue to collect samples of ground ice and measure temperatures in lakes and ponds. This information is used to help understand how the ground heaves as it freezes in winter, and to determine the extent of soil settlement during thaw in summer. The information about lakes is used to help understand the relations between water depths and temperatures beneath the lake....
Principal Investigator:Brooks, Greg Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The research will provide basic information on the characteristics of the rivers and valleys that are major tributaries emptying into the Mackenzie River. The tributaries to be studied include the Carcajou, Mountain, Hume, Ramparts, Hare Indian, Ontaratue, Arctic Red and Peel Rivers. Little is known about the lower 5-7 km portion of these rivers. The information collected will include both aeri...
Principal Investigator:Pollard, Wayne H Licensed Year(s):1994
199119901988 Summary:
The researchers will gain a better understanding of permafrost conditions of the study area and the environmental conditions under which permafrost formed and evolved. They will also investigate icings and icing processes, since icings are a hydrologic phenomenon and their occurance has implications for recharge and runoff of drainage systems and water resource management....
Principal Investigator:Nicholson, Barbara Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will map the present distribution of boreal and subarctic wetlands in the Mackenzie River Basin. Wetland vegetation and water chemistry will be described for areas immediately surrounding permanent weather stations. The ecological relationships between climate, wetland water chemistry and wetland species distribution will be analyzed. A predictive indicator model will be built to pr...
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):1993
1991 Summary:
This long term study is being conducted to assist in understanding the factors controlling water levels and the availability of nutrients in a variety of lakes in the Mackenzie Delta....
Principal Investigator:Erickson, Dave Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and his team will carry out a project to improve water flow studies, channel dredging, mapping and local construction surveys....
Principal Investigator:McLeod, Curtis Licensed Year(s):
To document fish use of shalllow side-channel areas or river margins and to estimate the effect of water level changes on fish habitat. Detailed physical data collection (water levels, velocity and sediment samples) will be undertaken, data will also be collected of fish and small invertebrate use of habitat....
Principal Investigator:Sherstone, D.A. Licensed Year(s):
To conduct aerial photography surveys to identify ice jams with resultant flooding. To conduct aerial photography to identify potential non-Mackenzie Valley pipeline routes. To obtain water samples to determine sediment loads carried by the river at various times and locations....