The Nature and Origin of Ground Ice in the High Arctic and Icing as a Hydrologic Component of Northern Drainage Basins

Regions: Gwich'in Settlement Area, Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: physical sciences, permafrost, hydrology, groundwater, river ice, resource management, ground ice

Principal Investigator: Pollard, Wayne H (12)
Licence Number: 12111
Organization: Department of Geography, McGill University
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1992 1991 1990 1988
Issued: Jan 01, 1992
Project Team: C. Gneiser; X. Hu; C. Forcese; one other assistant

Objective(s): Project A: to determine the extent and the origin of ground ice, particularly massive ground ice, in the High Arctic; Project B: to investigate the processes associated with seasonal overflows of river ice and ground water;

Project Description: The researchers will gain a better understanding of permafrost conditions of the study area and the environmental conditions under which permafrost formed and evolved. They will also investigate icings and icing processes, since icings are a hydrologic phenomenon and their occurance has implications for recharge and runoff of drainage systems and water resource management.