Principal Investigator:Hilton, Robert G Licensed Year(s):20172013
20102009 Summary:
The overall aim is to assess the carbon balance of the Mackenzie River Basin and to place constraints on the role of climatic and physical erosion processes in driving carbon dioxide source and sinks to the atmosphere and oceans. More specifically, the researchers aim to quantify the amount of chemical weathering that takes place in the Mackenzie River Basin; to quantify how much weathering of sil...
Principal Investigator:Nixon, Frederick M Licensed Year(s):2008
20062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990 Summary:
The active layer is the earth overlying permafrost that thaws from the surface and re-freezes each year, and it responds to climate change. Active layer thickness influences vegetation and soil conditions, potentially influencing hunting, forestry, etc. and it’s, thickness, texture and moisture content affects foundations. Changes in the active layer and thaw depth can contribute to slope instabil...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
This research is part of an aerial reconnaissance program to study spring breakup at the major watercourse crossings along the proposed pipeline right-of-way from the Deh Cho region in the south to the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the north. The resea...
Principal Investigator:Kustan, Ed Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this monitoring program is to assess reclamation success and identify areas of concern regarding revegetation and soil loss by erosion. A total of eight permanent sampling transects were established along the pipeline right-of-way; two in...
Principal Investigator:Miller, Samantha Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this assessment are to conduct a site investigation to evaluate potential environmental impact associated with daily facility operations associated with the O-35 wellsite. In August 2002, an Environmental Site Assessment was conducted....
Principal Investigator:Miller, Samantha Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this assessment are to conduct a site investigation to evaluate potential environmental impact associated with daily facility operations associated with the N-01 wellsite and to set up background concentrations of parameters for the lea...
Principal Investigator:Miller, Samantha Licensed Year(s):
2002 Summary:
The objectives of this assessment are to conduct a soil investigation and remediation associated with the flare stack at the Paramount Resources Ltd. F-36 Wellsite. In August 2002, a modified Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was conducted. The bas...
Principal Investigator:Mears, Margaret Licensed Year(s):
Nahendeh, with assistance from Alpine Environmental Consulting Ltd. and Golder Associates Ltd. was contracted on behalf of ChevronTexaco Corporation to conduct vegetation monitoring studies for the pipeline right-of-way from Chevron K-29 wellsite to the...
Principal Investigator:Ferguson, Gordon Licensed Year(s):2003
A total of eight permanent sampling transects will be established along the pipeline right-of-way; two in each of the four dominant representative vegetation habitats. Site-specific evaluations at each transect will measure re-vegetative success using ve...
Principal Investigator:Coulombe-Pontbriand, Moise Licensed Year(s):
The study will attempt to reconstruct the past 10,000 year geomorphological and hydrological history of the Mackenzie River using sedimentological records of fluvial deposits. The researcher will travel by Zodiac boat from Jean-Marie River to Point Separ...