Modified Phase II Environmental Site Assessment F-36 Wellsite
Principal Investigator: Miller, Samantha (6)
Licence Number: 13349
Organization: Alpine Environmental Consulting Ltd
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002
Issued: Jul 10, 2002
Project Team: Slyvia Chi

Objective(s): The objectives of this assessment are to conduct a modified Phase II soil investigation to evaluate potential environmental impact associated with three spills associated with the Paramount Resources Ltd. F-36 Wellsite. The scope of the assessment includes: determining if glycol impact is associated with the dehydrator area; delineating the extent of glycol impacted soil; determining if methanol impact is associated with the 100 mm pipeline right-of-way and ball valve; delineating the extent of methanol impacted soil; determining if condensate impact is associated with the flare area; delineating the extent of condensate impacted soil; and utilizing the information obtained through the assessment for development of a risk management plan based on the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Soil Quality Guidelines, if required.