Modified Phase II-III Environmental Site Assessment F-36 Wellsite
Principal Investigator: Miller, Samantha (6)
Licence Number: 13478
Organization: Alpine Environmental Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002
Issued: Jul 03, 2003
Project Team: Shawna Mat

Objective(s): The objectives of this assessment are to conduct a soil investigation and remediation associated with the flare stack at the Paramount Resources Ltd. F-36 Wellsite. In August 2002, a modified Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was conducted. The basis of the assessment was to visually inspect release areas, field screen the soil, and obtain samples of the soil for laboratory analyses to indicate whether any clean-up is necessary. The results showed that there were hydrocarbons in the soil, there was no clean-up of methanol or dehydrator required, there were issues of erosion, and the area of the former lagoon had subsided and water had collected within. The 2003 environmental assessment of the wellsite and associated facilities may include: vertically delineating the impact; excavating material; installing a biopile on a bermed liner; aerating the material; sampling the excavation; sampling the biopile following aeration; backfilling the excavation; and removing the liner from the location. Transportation to and from the site will be conducted via helicopter out of Fort Liard.