Principal Investigator:Hequette, Arnaud Licensed Year(s):
The Canadian Beaufort Sea coast undergoes rapid changes in formation, including the formation and changes of spits and barrier islands. Climatic change, combined with a rise in sea levels, could result in longer ice-free periods, increased wave action and higher rates of coastal retreat and erosion. By measuring spits and barrier islands, analyzing the make-up of the coastal sediments, and measu...
Principal Investigator:Solomon, Steven M Licensed Year(s):200019991997199619951994
1992 Summary:
As part of the Northern Oil and Gas Program (NOGAP), the Geological Survey of Canada will investigate shallow sediment types, sediment content in ice and under-ice water currents in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. This will be done by sampling and surveying using hand-held equipment and current meters (placed under the ice). This study will help to determine the role of ice in transporting sediments ...
Principal Investigator:Gray, James T. Licensed Year(s):
In previous years research, we have been able to prove the existence of an early opening of the Hudson Strait at the end of the last Ice Age, and to establish 4 important source areas for ice flows into Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay. Our 1992 work will permit us to expand and complete the work on several offshore islands, as well as sample from an exposure of old marine sediments in the Deception ...
Principal Investigator:Fassnacht, Steven Licensed Year(s):
At both the East Channel (Mackenzie Delta) and at Cabin Creek the elevation at various cross-sections will be measured so that a detailed contour map may be plotted. River bed material will be sampled to determine the size distribution of the bed material....
Principal Investigator:Gilbert, Robert Licensed Year(s):
1992199119901988 Summary:
A special type of echo sounder will be used to determine the depth of the water and the thickness of the sediments beneath down to bedrock. The instrument also shows the patterns of sediment distribution around the fiord. From these results, an assessment can be made of where the sediment has come from, how much there is and how the patterns of sedimentation have changed during the entire period...
Principal Investigator:d'Entremont, Andre Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will assess the extent of trace metal migration in Strathcona Sound, to determine if this contamination could result in any toxic effects on biota, and to assess the effectiveness of environmental monitoring methods in the high Arctic....
Principal Investigator:Reimer, K.J. Licensed Year(s):
1991 Summary:
The research team will collect bottom-dwelling marine organisms and sediment to examine how materials introduced locally and from distant sources distribute themselves in the marine environment, to understand the potential for adverse effects and the likely persistence of such materials in the future. As well, they will collect soil and plant samples to understand the potential for impact and per...
Principal Investigator:Vincent, Jean-Serge Licensed Year(s):
19911990 Summary:
The researcher and his team will complete a detailed paleomagnetic sampling of the glacial and nonglacial sediments in the Morgan Bluffs of eastern Banks Island, and collect samples of boulders for Chlorine 36 dating. The data will allow the team to confirm or disconfirm previously proposed correlations and establish on a firmer basis the chronological framework for one of the longest sequences o...
Principal Investigator:Shilts, William W. Licensed Year(s):1993
1991 Summary:
The researcher and his team will determine the geological and climatic influences on the retreat, glacial and periglacial history of valleys in which retreating glaciers lie, to assess the relative influence of climate and the significance of this retreat in the context of the glacial and periglacial events of the past 10,000 years....
Principal Investigator:Jol, Harry M. Licensed Year(s):
19911990 Summary:
Surveys will be conducted on the surface of the delta plains. A Pulse Ekko IV ground penetrating radar system will be used to take measurements every 1 to 2 metres using this portable system. These waves due to their frequency (50 to 200 MHz) have no affect on the environment (they are similar to FM radio waves)....