Geoscientific Research - Bylot and Adjacent Baffin Islands, 1991

Regions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: physical sciences, glaciology, glacial deposits

Principal Investigator: Shilts, William W. (3)
Licence Number: 11184
Organization: Carleton University; GSC; University of Quebec
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992 1991
Issued: Jan 01, 1991
Project Team: C. Zdanowicz; S. McCuaig;F. Michel; M. Lamothe

Objective(s): To investigate the nature of the basal debris load of Aktineq Glacier; to visit the area around Aktineq Glacier as well as glaciers and glaciated terrain on Baffin Island within 30 km of Pond Inlet to plan for future university-based research.

Project Description: The Researchers will investigate the nature of the basal debris load of Aktineq Glacier. The area around Aktineq Glacier as well as glaciers and glaciated terrain within 30 km of Pond Inlet will be visited to plan for future university-based research.