Principal Investigator:Dyke, Larry Licensed Year(s):
To place temperature probes using a water jet to measure temperatures beneath a 2 km long spit at the north end of Richards Island to determine if the accumulation of these sediments has influenced the distribution of permafrost....
Principal Investigator:Somr, Christopher Licensed Year(s):19921988
To sample the lacustrine sedimantary record by using a modified Livingstone corer and the lake ice as a coring platform. (Lakes included are Immerk, Fish and Phalarope Lakes). These cores will be analyzed at the University of Western Ontario. Soil and sediment will alo be collected adjacent to the lakes for a comparison of the mineralogy and composition of the terrestrial and lacustrive samples...
Principal Investigator:Sharpe, David R. Licensed Year(s):1988
To indentify surface landforms and describe the sediments exposed within these landforms. Organic material (fossil sea shells, wood, etc.) is collected to help determine the age of the sediments. A map (scale 1:250,000) and report are to be published upon completion of the map....
Principal Investigator:Pearce, Cheryl M. Licensed Year(s):
To analyze the environmental processes that control plant distribution and succession on shorelines of the Mackenzie Delta. Specific objectives of the research are to examine (1) the colonization and establishment on exposed mudflats and other newly-available sites, (2) the responses of the shoreline plants to fluctuations in the biophysical environment, and (3) the chemical and physical properti...
Principal Investigator:Martini, I.P. Licensed Year(s):
To analyze the coastal morphology and recent sediments of the arctic sandy and muddy coasts and compare and contrast them with those of the subarctic region....
Principal Investigator:Hyatt, James A. Licensed Year(s):199019891988
1. To examine, photograph, sample, and relate subsurface and surface expressions of ground ice and permafrost. 2. To sample sediment and ground ice found in the new Pangnirtung reservoir and along any natural exposures. 3. To collect unconsolidated sediment and ice core samples at the selected field sites. 4. To implant shallow thermal probes at the selected field sites...
Principal Investigator:Rainbird, Robert H Licensed Year(s):
To carry out stratigraphic section measurement, geological mapping and sampling of rocks for laboratory analysis....
Principal Investigator:Dale, Janis E. Licensed Year(s):1988
To examine marine sedimentation and marine benthic faunal communities in the Pangnirtung Fiord by surveying, mapping, photographing and sampling. To measure tidal ranges, water current velocities, biological activities, sedimentation rates and the effects of freeze-up and break-up. To sample marine flora and fauna, sediment, fast and inter-tidal ice and diagnostic diatoms....
Principal Investigator:MacLean, Brian Licensed Year(s):
To provide information on the composition, thickness, and geotechnical properties of the seafloor sediments, as well as the effect of ice or current scouring, or slumping, or other modifying influences....
Principal Investigator:Sharpe, David R. Licensed Year(s):
To map the Glacial sediments by identifying surface landforms and describing the sediments exposed within these landforms....