Principal Investigator:Insley, Stephen J Licensed Year(s):
201620152014 Summary:
The goal of this project is to design and maintain a long-term, locally-based, monitoring program focused on ringed seals (Pusa hispida) and bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) in the Darnley Bay, Sachs Harbour and Ulukhaktok areas of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, NT.
To accomplish the objectives, the research team have designed a program to work with the local communities of Paulatuk, Sac...
Principal Investigator:Siferd, Tim Licensed Year(s):2000
The objective of this study is to determine population size or growth rate and recruiment levels for clams and other benthic resources in Sachs Harbour, Blue Fox Harbour, and Sea Otter Harbour. Sampling for the project will be conducted from the vessel Tucho Mariner and an additional Coast Guard launch. Equipment/sampling devices for the project include an underwater camera system, QTC view sea...
Principal Investigator:Bell, Bob Licensed Year(s):
This project was initiated following the concern voiced by the six ISR communities about the presence and levels of contaminants in the major country food sources. Samples of body tissues will be taken from charr, whitefish, seals and belugas in order to assess for heavy metal, organochlorine and PCB contaminants. These samples will be taken while other field research is being conducted by Fishe...
Principal Investigator:Harwood, Lois Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
Members of each of the communities will be hired to sample and measure the ringed seals taken in the spring and summer harvests. These monitors will be trained prior to the field season in order to collect data on the size and location of the harvests, as well as measurements on the seals harvested including sexual maturity, health, and condition. Samples of tissue taken will include jaws, lungs...
Principal Investigator:Innes, Stuart Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
This project is a continuation of the NOGAP B.1 Marine Mammal Vessel Interaction Project. It studies the effects of ship traffic on the behaviour of ringed seals during the fast-ice period and the habitat selection of ringed seals. Seals will be located and live- trapped in order that they can be tagged and monitored. Changes in seal behaviour and distribution will be examined before, during an...
Principal Investigator:Kelly, Brendan P. Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
This project is investigating the social organization, diving behaviour, and foraging patterns of ringed seals under the shore-fast ice. Trained dogs will locate the breathing holes and lairs of seals located beneath the snow. Sonic transmitters will be attached to the seals and monitored by way of 4 hydrophones lowered through the ice. The 3-dimensional locations of seals will be calculated, d...
Principal Investigator:Stewart, Robert E.A. Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
The researcher and his team will collect data from up to 190 ringed seals harvested by Inuit hunters around Pangnirtung. Sampling is to obtain information on contaminant levels and to assess the impact these levels have on the animals. Material will also be used for a study of fetal growth. As well, the researchers will immobilize several walrus and attach satellite transmitters to their tusks....
Principal Investigator:Metcalfe, C.D. Licensed Year(s):
The Research will examine the variation of organochlorine contaminants (O.C.'s) in the arctic ringed seal species. Major trends in concentrations will be outlined on 4 distinct levels: 1) variation within individual seals 2) seasonal variation in one seal popultion 3) variation between seal popultaions from two distinct sites 4) long-term temporal variations at these two locations....
Principal Investigator:Whitridge, Peter James Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will accompany hunters from the site of kills at the floe edge or seal breathing hole through all stages of ringed seal carcass treatment. Research will focus on the patterned dismemberment of carcasses for transport and consumption, including weights and composition of butchering units and other factors such as cooking techniques, socially prescribed distribution and refuse disposa...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Thomas Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Thomas Smith and his will take underwater recordings of bearded seal sounds. He will collect data to describe and measure the vocal behavior of the seals underwater. He will also collect bearded seals for dissection and analysis of the seal larynx. Roger Memorana will be hired from Holman to work with Dr. Smith. Dr Smith has received a small grant from the Science Institute of the NWT to cover...