Biology of ringed seals and the impact of ice-breaking traffic on ringed seal biology and behaviour

Regions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

Tags: biology, habitat, marine mammals, animal behaviour, impact analysis, seals, ringed seal

Principal Investigator: Innes, Stuart (2)
Licence Number: 12327
Organization: Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Issued: Jan 01, 1993
Project Team: H. Cleator, C. Fergal, Inuit guide and others to be identified

Objective(s): This project is a continuation of the NOGAP B.1 Marine Mammal Vessel Interaction Project. It studies the effects of ship traffic on the behaviour and weaning success of ringed seals during the fast-ice period. It also examines the habitat selection of ringed seals. The Forward Looking Infra Red camera will be assessed as a tool to determining an index of population size.

Project Description: This project is a continuation of the NOGAP B.1 Marine Mammal Vessel Interaction Project. It studies the effects of ship traffic on the behaviour of ringed seals during the fast-ice period and the habitat selection of ringed seals. Seals will be located and live- trapped in order that they can be tagged and monitored. Changes in seal behaviour and distribution will be examined before, during and after an ice-breaking ship passes through the area.