Monitoring ringed seals in domestic harvests at Sachs Harbour, Paulatuk and Holman, NWT, in 1993
Principal Investigator: Harwood, Lois (11)
Licence Number: 12371
Organization: Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Issued: Jan 01, 1993
Project Team: T. Smith, O. Neilson, H. Wright, R. Zarnke, and 5 monitors total from the following: Holman (3), Sachs Harbour (1), Paulatuk (1)

Objective(s): To document the sex, maturity, reproductive status, length, weight and condition (via blubber thickness) of ringed seals taken in the Sachs Harbour, Paulatuk, and Holman community harvests; to determine if seal condition is correlated with reproductive success, and to correlate changes in condition and reproduction with environmental factors such as ice conditions and food availability; to collect tissue samples for contaminant analyses and blood samples for distemper screening (new aspect of the study).

Project Description: Members of each of the communities will be hired to sample and measure the ringed seals taken in the spring and summer harvests. These monitors will be trained prior to the field season in order to collect data on the size and location of the harvests, as well as measurements on the seals harvested including sexual maturity, health, and condition. Samples of tissue taken will include jaws, lungs, liver, muscle, blood and reproductive tracts.