Principal Investigator:Quinton, William L. Licensed Year(s):201620152014201320122011
20092008200720062005200420032001 Summary:
The objective of this project will examine the energy balance of the seasonally thawed layer (i.e. active layer) that overlies the permafrost in the wetland-dominated region of the lower Liard River valley. Specifically, the following questions will be addressed: 1) What are the major factors (e.g. soil moisture, tree canopy density) controlling the flow of energy into and from the active layer? 2...
Principal Investigator:Hawkins, Jim R. Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the program is to map areas along the right-of-way where the ground is unfrozen (taliks) and to locate ice wedges and larger, deeper areas of massive ice, in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Shallow geophysical surveys will provide information on subsurface conditions. ARGO tracked vehicles will tow geophysical instruments (EM31, Ohm Mapper, or GEM-2) behind them. A ground-penetr...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
The objective of this project is to test the thermal properties of straw bales and reflective surfaces for use on permafrost slopes along a potential pipeline route in the Mackenzie Valley. These materials might be used in conjunction with or as alternatives to wood chips to protect the exposed slopes from surface erosion and reduce the rate of thawing. In mid-February 2006 a bulldozer and brush c...
Principal Investigator:Lacelle, Denis Licensed Year(s):
This is a study of retrogressive thaw sumps produced by the exposure and melting of massive ice in continuous permafrost (Richardson Range, NWT). These sumps are recently occurring and presumably a result of global climate change. This research will recognize retrogressive thaw slumps that have massive ice, identify the type of massive ice (glacier buried or segregated) and measure the rate of ...
Principal Investigator:Dyke, Larry Licensed Year(s):1998
This project is intended to determine the amount by which fluids disposed of in abandoned oil well drilling mud disposal pits (sumps) have migrated into surrounding frozen ground. The sumps are not presently considered to pose any kind of environmental hazard but they do offer a unique opportunity to determine the effectiveness of permafrost as a containment for waste fluids. The main activity i...
Principal Investigator:Lewkowicz, Antoni G Licensed Year(s):199419931992199119901988
To measure the energy exchanged over exposed thawing ground ice and to link this to the rate of retreat of the headwall of a ground ice slump. This is a continuation of work started in 1983 on Banks Island....
Principal Investigator:Lewkowics, Antoni G. Licensed Year(s):
To measure the energy exchange, rate of headwall retreat and water balance of a number of ground slumps. This is a continuation of a study began in 1983....