Principal Investigator:Freeman, Milton M.R. Licensed Year(s):1994
1992 Summary:
Under the direction of the Aklavik and Inuvik HTA's, the research team will carry out interviews with Inuvialuit that are knowledgable about the broad whitefish and its fishery in the local waters. Data to be obtained include information on the traditional fishery, changes to this fishery, knowledge about the breeding and feeding habits, migrations, parasites and diseases, and effects of local en...
Principal Investigator:Beyens, L. Licensed Year(s):
1987 Summary:
In the vicinity of Cambridge Bay the researcher hopes to gain more insight in the biogeography and ecology of unicellulars, i.e. diatoms and testate amoebae. A small collection of samples of terrestrial and aquatic material will be undertaken....
Principal Investigator:Wilson, Chris C. Licensed Year(s):19931992
1990 Summary:
The Researchers will continue to examine genetic diversity and hybridization between lake trout and Arctic char. They will gather data on the hybrid's ecological role. Different areas will be sampled to determine where the parent species and hybrids occur....
Principal Investigator:Burden, Elliott Licensed Year(s):
199019881987 Summary:
The Researcher and associate will collect samples of shale and sandstone from cliffs. They will be taken to Memorial University to be analysed for their remnant magnetization. This research applies in regional correlation studies of marine and terrestrial strata and in site specific studies of the geologic development of this part of the Arctic....
Principal Investigator:Svoboda, Josef Licensed Year(s):199419931992
19881987 Summary:
The Researcher will continue an ongoing program in Sverdrup Pass: Ecology of polar oases. The study will assist in understanding the origin, development, maintenance and future of these isolated ecosystems in the midst of a polar desert....
Principal Investigator:Marsh, Philip Licensed Year(s):19931992
The research will study changes in the water levels of a variety of lakes in the Mackenzie Delta. Investigations will include consideration of factors controlling the lake levels, introduction of floodwater from the Mackenzie River, rainfall on to the lake, smowmelt runoff into the lakes and evaporation from the lakes....
Principal Investigator:Hop, Haakon Licensed Year(s):
19901988 Summary:
The Researcher and his assistant will collect Arctic cod. Samples of these will be taken and studied to investigate the feeding ecology of Arctic cod and the energy flow through Arctic cod from zooplankon to marine mammals and sea birds....
Principal Investigator:Welch, Harold Licensed Year(s):199319921991
19881987 Summary:
Dr. Welch and his project personnel will continue work on a study which began in 1984. The objective of the study continues to be the quantification of food web leading to marine mammal and bird production in the Canadian Marine Arctic....
Principal Investigator:Waterway, Marcia J. Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and her team will sample approximately twenty different species of sedges in a range of wetlands between Edmonton and Yellowknife. They will find out the range of conditions in which each species grows best and will determine whether broad tolerance results from inherited variability or from the ability of individuals of each species to tolerate different conditions....
Principal Investigator:Scotter, George Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher and team will carry out this survey at the request of the community of Paulatuk. They will summarize the existing knowledge of the natural resources of the Bluenose Lake Region. A total of about 20 stops will be made to examine the vegetation, soil, wildlife and physiogeography and to collect plant and soil samples....