Principal Investigator:Freeland Ballantyne, Erin A Licensed Year(s):
2007 Summary:
The project facilitates the training of a youth researcher team in Fort Simpson and Tuktoyaktuk through a process of participatory video to learn with community members about the concerns and impacts of climate change and oil and gas development on well-being in the community.
The community will form a research team to guide the project, directed through youth-lead focus groups. Participants wi...
Principal Investigator:Moorman, Brian J Licensed Year(s):
Ice patches in the Mackenzie Mountains are areas of permanent ice that last through the summer months and often contain frozen caribou remains (mostly dung) and archaeological artifacts such as hunting weapons and tools. As the climate warms, these ice patches are beginning to melt, and there is a risk of losing the biological and archaeological information they contain. Using a technique known a...
Principal Investigator:Nixon, Frederick M Licensed Year(s):2008
20062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990 Summary:
The active layer is the earth overlying permafrost that thaws from the surface and re-freezes each year, and it responds to climate change. Active layer thickness influences vegetation and soil conditions, potentially influencing hunting, forestry, etc. and it’s, thickness, texture and moisture content affects foundations. Changes in the active layer and thaw depth can contribute to slope instabil...
Principal Investigator:Ritchie, Douglas G. Licensed Year(s):
This project consists of conducting a series of workshops with community governments and residents in the Northwest Territories on the topic of climate change. The two-day workshop in Deline, the last workshop in this series, is aimed at identifying existing and potential regional impacts, determining possible adaptive strategies to deal with climate change impacts, discovering areas for further ...
Principal Investigator:Ritchie, Douglas G. Licensed Year(s):2006
This project will consist of community workshops on selected climate change issues. A specific impact will be identified as a theme for a 1-2 day workshop in up to 5 regions across the NWT, and strategies to deal with those impacts will be mapped out. Objectives are to bring traditional knowledge holders and scientists together to share observations and predictions, discuss what likely impacts wi...
Principal Investigator:Rouse, Wayne R Licensed Year(s):2006
2004 Summary:
This is the second year of a study that measures the water balance and thermal regimes of Great Bear Lake so that the researchers can determine the linkages between the lake's behaviour and the atmosphere above. Lake temperatures will be measured with se...
Principal Investigator:Duk-Rodkin, Alejandra ADR Licensed Year(s):200720062005
This project aims to obtain a better understanding of the sensitivity of slopes to disturbance from development, especially in the context of progressive climate warming. It will also identify baseline levels for natural and anthropogenic contaminants,...
Principal Investigator:D'Arrigo, Rosanne Licensed Year(s):
The overall goal of the project is to develop tree-ring records from old growth trees at northern treeline locations in Canada and Alaska. This information is used to reconstruct Arctic and Northern Hemisphere temperatures over the past several centuries...
Principal Investigator:Zhou, Fuqun Licensed Year(s):
Structural infrastructure in northern communities is dependent on the permafrost layer for stability. The thawing and disappearance of the permafrost layer has accelerated in recent decades, damaging buildings and other infrastructure, and causing public...
Principal Investigator:Duk-Rodkin, Alejandra ADR Licensed Year(s):
This project aims to obtain a better understanding of the sensitivity of slopes to disturbance from development, especially in the context of progressive climate warming. It will also identify baseline levels for natural and anthropogenic contaminants,...