Modelling of Evaporation and Heat Balance of Great Bear Lake
Principal Investigator: Rouse, Wayne R (4)
Licence Number: 13967
Organization: McMaster University
Licensed Year(s): 2006 2005 2004
Issued: Apr 25, 2006
Project Team: Dr John Gyakum (Meteorological Measurements, McGill University)

Project Description: The objectives of the research are to: pursue temperature and energy balance studies on Great Bear Lake; determine if Great Bear Lake’s climate behaves like that of Great Slave Lake, or if its unique geographical position and physical attributes make it distinctive; and to explore the temperature structure of the atmosphere above Great Bear Lake and link this with heat and moisture exchanges between lake and atmosphere. Solar radiation, temperature, humidity and wind data will be gathered during the course of this research project. Project equipment will be transported to and from Lionel Island by float plane, helicopter, and by motorized canoes. Data will be logged electronically on the island throughout the year, and at moored cables in nearby spots in the lake during the summer. Radiosonde balloons will be launched from the island in late summer and fall. Ice and snow depths will be measured periodically at various places on Keith Arm of Great Bear Lake during the winter. Research results will be communicated via meetings with the Deline community and by reports to the Aurora Research Institute. A copy of all reports and publications ensuing from this research will be deposited with the Deline Renewable Resource Council. The study will be conducted from July 7 to October 15, 2006 on Lionel Island (65.4 ° 122.1°) near Keith Arm, Great Bear Lake.